Tucker Carlson Emphasizes the Mission Priority of Newest DHS Agency, Disinformation Governance Board – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Emphasizes the Mission Priority of Newest DHS Agency, Disinformation Governance Board

CTH: In his opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlined the latest Dept of Homeland Security agency, the “Disinformation Governance Board,” and the head of the social media control agency, Nina Jankowicz.  WATCH:

13 Comments on Tucker Carlson Emphasizes the Mission Priority of Newest DHS Agency, Disinformation Governance Board

  1. Fuck em’ all. Too old to play this shit.

    Only had one run in with DHS. I was on the freeway and douche canoe pulled up next to me and……shined his flashlight at me through his tinted windows. In daylight. I was not impressed and stayed alongside him increasing my speed. The fuck he gonna’ do? He’s not even patched in with the local P.D.

    Gave him the bird, hit the brakes swung behind him and took the last offramp for Palm Springs. That was like 10 years ago. Enjoyed my weekend, never heard a peep about it.

    Fuck DHS and all their dependents.

  2. I have to admit I enjoyed Tucker’s commentary and his snarky response to most of what is going on. These horrible people deserve to be called out and I hope and pray everyday the world is hearing it.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  3. “deserve to be called out” my ass. Government officials who deliberately and systematically violate anyone’s Constitutional Rights deserve a hell of a lot more than being called out.

  4. Racer X
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 9:50 PM
    “Where does Biden have the constitutional authority to place this curb on FREE SPEECH? This is blatantly unconstitutional.”

    …you’re right, but they own the courts and they can afford to litigate it into the next century using your own money to pay TEAMS of lawyers who know all the judges, and you can’t afford any of that.

    So they get to do what they want to do as long as they want to do it, and let you bankrupt yourself trying to fight them.


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