Tucker Carlson explains how George Soros has sown chaos into American cities – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson explains how George Soros has sown chaos into American cities

BPR: Fox News host Tucker Carlson detailed how billionaire leftist George Soros helps install like-minded prosecutors and district attorneys to cause chaos in major cities days after a bizarre incident in which a network host shut down former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as he attempted to describe the same process.

During a segment Monday before bringing in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is pushing for a new law that would dramatically crackdown on rioters, Carlson noted that Soros has been funding the campaigns of left-wing prosecutors and DAs who vow, among other things, to curb prosecutions and eliminate cash bail under the guise of ending “systemic racism” and “criminal justice reform.”    more

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson explains how George Soros has sown chaos into American cities

  1. How old is the sob? If he was old enough to be a Nazi collaborator in WW2, wouldn’t he be approaching 100 y.o.

    Soros has more money than a lot of terrorists organizations, we do something about them for the deaths, terrorism, and destruction they cause.
    Why isn’t Soros being dealt with in the same manner?

    Arrest him, imprison him, and confiscate his assets so they can’t be used by his followers to continue his evil plans after he has permanently reached ground temperature.


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