Tucker Carlson goes full Alinsky on McKinsey for outsourcing manufacturing to China – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson goes full Alinsky on McKinsey for outsourcing manufacturing to China

American Thinker:

Tucker Carlson spent the first 15 minutes of his show last night decrying the loss of so much of our manufacturing base to China.  That concern has spread from the already devastated Rust Belt to the coastal habitats of the elites now that the pandemic has exposed our reliance for survival on an increasingly threatening China for pharmaceuticals, protective gear, and many other critical strategic goods, such as the rare earths necessary for the manufacture of advanced electronic components.

With the dangers of such dependence obvious to all, Tucker took an original angle and followed Saul Alinsky’s Rule #13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  His target: McKinsey & Company, the global consulting group that has helped many a giant corporation outsource its manufacturing to lower-wage countries, pre-eminently but not exclusively China, as a means of competing in world markets and in the domestic American market, which for the most part has been wide open to foreign competition. more here

12 Comments on Tucker Carlson goes full Alinsky on McKinsey for outsourcing manufacturing to China

  1. My company forced me to work with these McKinsey scum 8 years ago. They are just a bunch of suit-wearing con men that suck millions of “consulting” dollars out of a corporation by creating fancy “pitches” about saving money with no real substance, but chock full of feel-good jibberjabber that corporate execs fall for because that’s all they understand (it’s how they got into their positions of power in the first place).
    It’s disgusting.

  2. The media and the Democrats have been using this tactic of Saul Alinsky throughout the coverage of the Commie Pinko Flu. Too many examples out there to list.

  3. Yep. But Trump is a racist / xenophobe for taking on China and our corrupt corporations.

    I’ll go ahead and say it: They’re winning. They’ve beaten up Trump on all fronts, relentless fraud to bring him down. If Trump doesn’t get this economy open to at least the point where people can travel this summer, hike, swim in the pool, go to the beach without being arrested, etc…. GAME OVER.

    There is an increasingly bubbling WTF kind of anger out here, and it’s more than just palpable. It’s dangerous.

  4. After giving numerous duck and swerve non-answers throughout the interview, which Tucker allowed for the most part, the last question by Tucker was “Do you have any regrets for participating in any of these (pro-China trade) trends?

    Again, Walker ducked, swerved and re-directed his answer. With Walker, feeling smug in his answer, Tucker zinged him with a simple, subtle recap, “so you you have no regrets”. Pow! End of interview.

  5. The National Lampoon had a bit on “How Business deals are made” back in the 70’s or 80’s.

    They have a drawing of a bunch of guys in suits sitting around a conferenced table. Underneath the table was a guy dragging around a brief case but stopping at every crotch to administer extra special consideration to close the deal, if you get my drift.

    The guy underneath the table is like that McKinsey guy that Tucker interviewed.

  6. “I’ll go ahead and say it: They’re winning.” -Toxically Masculine

    Everything has been politicized. I don’t know how we reverse it peacefully. The culture is crap. And it just keeps accelerating.

  7. @Jimmy April 24, 2020 at 9:41 pm

    > I don’t know how we reverse it peacefully.

    “We” don’t. Those who insist on losing — with dignity, of course — will, continue, to do so. (And — as long as smart, new, bowties are an “essential” industry — will keep up their Winning™, Hope™, and Change™.)

    The question — really, the only question — for those who refuse to do, themselves, what need be done, is “Will you, even attempt to, prevent those who will do what need be done, from doing so?”

    While the answer for many, is “Why of course we will! It’s who we are!”, why would any of “them”, even contemplate, rescuing any of “we”?


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