Tucker Carlson Helps Florida’s Maria Salazar Destroy Her Short-Lived Political Career – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Helps Florida’s Maria Salazar Destroy Her Short-Lived Political Career


House republican representative Maria Salazar is an identity based DeceptiCon politican from the Miami area.   As one of the newest House members, Salazar has cut her teeth in professional republican DC circles with neocon war advocacy, comprehensive immigration reform to include amnesty, and she was one of the House members to vote to approve Nancy Pelosi’s J6 committee to target political opposition.  Currently Salazar waves the Ukraine flag while demanding war against Russia.

In short, Representative Salazar is a Bonafide Chamber of Commerce/Wall Street republican who hides behind the shields of gender and race when challenged on her political advocacy.  Salazar won her election because President Trump flipped her Miami district.  However, since taking office she has been anti-MAGA in her positions.  Tucker called her out, WATCH:

13 Comments on Tucker Carlson Helps Florida’s Maria Salazar Destroy Her Short-Lived Political Career

  1. I saw that interview last night, another typical “shoot first, ask questions later” neocon that has infected both parties for far too long. When someone says,”I don’t know what it means but we should do it any”, these are not serious people, dangerous yes.

    Unlike Tucker, I don’t think war with Russia is inevitable. Putin has the measure of Biden, as with the rest of us. He has China backing his play and knows that whether he takes Ukraine wholesale or negotiates a large chunk of it, his position is fairly secure.

  2. Go pluck me a chicken you Idiot!

    “I have no idea what it would mean”

    More prof that media personalities are teleprompter readers with decent weird hair.

  3. We are on the verge of war alright but civil war right here at home!

    You know good and well if the left hadn’t fucked us over in that last election and Trump was still in office we wouldn’t be where we are today!

  4. Ive been spouting off for a couple of weeks that Pootins big problem is that guy to his south that goes by the woke pronoun of Xe. He’s watching the rooskies (145 million) get their ass kicked by 45 million Ukrainians and has got to be thinking “hmmm Confucius say paper tiger. Ive got 1,400 million people and need room and natural resources.” Hang on to your hats folks.

  5. LBS,

    Thank You, I stand corrected. (Cuban decent)
    That makes it even worse that she became Anti-Trump, on many levels.
    Furhermore, BOTH my parents were born in Italy and speak English with less accent than she does, which tells me it is Forced.
    I have watched a few of her interviews. Her accent comes and goes like Killary Hinton’s & Haw Sawce or Arkansas & New York lingo.

    Cheers, with Havana Club Rum

  6. SS

    I think you are right.

    Looks bad for Russia/ChYna relations.
    If Russia defaults on Payments, ChYnA will bail them out in Exchange for Resources, Oil, Natty Gas & Licences for Military equipment built in ChyNa.

  7. Don’t get me wrong. I love women. My mom was a woman. My wife is a woman. Half the people I know are women. I wouldn’t want to live in a world without women. Women are awesome. That being said, after watching this bitch, I’m beginning to believe women should not be allowed to hold office of any kind.


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