Tucker Carlson Interviews Tommy Robinson – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Interviews Tommy Robinson

DC: Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviews a British man named Tommy Robinson. Mr. Robinson was arrested and thrown in jail for livestreaming in front of a U.K. courthouse where members of an Islamic gang were attending court proceedings under charges of sexual assault for raping schoolgirls.

For two months Mr. Robinson was held in solitary confinement within the British prison system; he describes the alarming sequence of events, and the political weaponization of the British legal system to Tucker Carlson. WATCH

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson Interviews Tommy Robinson

  1. In the UK “Freedom of Speech” lands you in Prison.

    In the US, you’re just labeled Racist, Hate Monger and vilified Publicly by the Mainstream Media to “coerce” and threaten you to keep silent.

  2. TR’s description of the process and path leading to his solitary confinement cell was pretty disturbing. The only bright side was he walked out still breathing on his own.

  3. Tommy Robinson was showing a symptom of PTSD in that interview known as “pressured speech” in that he was trying to tell of everything that happened to him all at once. That symptom by itself, tells you he was subjected to a horrendous ordeal.

    It also, along with his accent, made it difficult for an American to understand him at times

  4. I have been following the Tommy Robinson ordeal for months and I wish Trump would have a SERIOUS talk with the british about cleaning up their country before we have to change their dirty diapers again like the 1940’s. The sun HAS set on the so-called “british empire”!! Most of their politicians must be fags……

  5. Tony has been a roaring success at destroying the UK. In 20 years he made a great (pun) country into a 3rd world sh*t hole!

    Christians have not place in Tony’s UK! His followers are working hard to encourage Christians to leave. Tommy got what he got because his religion is racist!

  6. Been watching this guy for years. Look at his videos right before being arrested. The guy on this tape looks 20 years older and has stress lines all over his face.

    Whatever they did to this guy….. they fucked him up.


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