Tucker Carlson Offers 3-Word Response To Biden Officials Celebrating His Removal – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Offers 3-Word Response To Biden Officials Celebrating His Removal

Carlson responded to a request for comment from the publication about Defense Department officials being happy about his departure from Fox, replying in a text message: “Ha! I’m sure.”

15 Comments on Tucker Carlson Offers 3-Word Response To Biden Officials Celebrating His Removal

  1. Thousands of viewers? Try millions.
    And you know why? Because he’s doing his job like reporters used to do and it burns you to no end because you don’t own him.
    Most of America has this view.

  2. When your taking flak, your over the target.

    Today’s military leadership, all the way down to Company level in most cases, is nothing to be admired or revered. Their opinion will resonate with very few people.

  3. Am Thinker had a very gold article about 5 years ago about how 2 leftist presidents named George turned DOD into an anti conservative force. Defends the left from Ronny folk! no longer defends Americans. As the many defeats in”The war on Terror” have clearly shown the last 12 years!

    Tucker must have read it. GOOD FOR CARLSON! GOOD FOR AMERICA. F— You t all leftist Bush!

    SEE I kept it clean; no French!

  4. Well, I automatically thought it was Our Company Motto:

    Go F@ck Yourself!

    It has worked well for us for over 45 Years. We are 90% repeat Business with no one ever not paying.

    Our corporate philosophy is based on: “They should Kiss Out Asses!” – The Owner came up with that one.


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