Tucker Carlson on the left’s ridiculous reactions to the Rittenhouse trial – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson on the left’s ridiculous reactions to the Rittenhouse trial

The clips he showed, and his descriptions! 🤣

9 Comments on Tucker Carlson on the left’s ridiculous reactions to the Rittenhouse trial

  1. I listened to a large part of the closing arguments yesterday, and was struck by the fact that the prosecutors were defending the actions of people who were destroying things. The lead prosecutor was sarcastically wondering if it was o.k. to buy a skateboard for Christmas if it could lead to getting shot, while completely ignoring the fact that Huber was trying to bean Rittenhouse with one. To listen to the prosecutors, Rittenhouse shot people who were apparently peacefully doing nothing but setting things on fire and threatening people (while the Kenosha authorities stood down) Furthermore, it was Rittenhouse who provoked these assholes by bring a weapon (which apparently disturbed the rioters and ignores the fact that Grosskruetz also had a gun).

    I have no problem if the prosecutors want to argue whether or not Rittenhouse engaged in self defense – that is what they are supposed to do. But if government officials like these prosecutors proceed to defend the actions of rioters destroying property of Kenosha residents, they have demonstrated that they are not fit for office. This was a tinder box situation that was almost wholly caused by the malfeasance of Kenosha’s elected officials – but no one except perhaps for Carlson wants to comment on that.

  2. Didn’t exactly pay attention to what went on in Portland, meaning amount (if any extra) police &/or National Guard were deployed. Never the less it seems that there had to be a inadequate protection & bad leadership choices for both areas. They are elected, chosen or appointed too make the tuff decisions, those leaders failed in both cities.

  3. What I have learned:

    1) If I have a gun, I do NOT have the right to self-defense.
    2) If I’m running from someone who is telling me they are going to kill me, I do NOT have the right to slow down. I must continue to run full speed until I either get away or get beaten.
    3) I MUST take a beating before even considering to defend myself and then think twice about using any gun I have (see #1).
    4) If I have a big gun, someone pointing a little gun at me is NOT a threat to my life and therefore I have NO right to self defense.

    That’s what the prosecution is arguing. They are the law so they would know.


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