Tucker Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Two bonafide American legends and notorious truth-tellers join forces in what is sure to be an illuminating episode. Tucker drops bombs about Julian Assange’s arrest and attempted murder by Trump appointee Mike Pompeo, the CIA’s complicity in the assassination of JFK, and how the manifesto of the Unabomber was prophetic. Even YouTube won’t be able to throttle the views on this one!

4 Comments on Tucker Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

  1. I never cared for Roseanne Barr in the past, and I’m not really into celebrity gossip, but something must have happened to red-pill her. Anyone know what it was?

  2. Heatsync – I believe she has always been conservative, which is a good thing for a comedian. Everyone should be able to take a joke, but libtards make laws against making fun of people.

    I have always liked Roseanne, and was disappointed she didn’t stand up for herself. Instead, she apologized after making fun of valerie jarrett.

  3. I got about 15 minutes into this and I felt a little sorry for Tucker. Roseann quickly changed subjects and drifted into stupid conspiracy theories (Antarctica, pyramids/aliens). Her sidekick jumped in and got things back on topic. I do like that she is all in for Trump, but she is not a great interviewer. If you ever have 3 hours to kill and want to see a good interviewer, watch Shawn Ryan on YT. I wish he would interview Tucker.


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