Tucker Carlson Outlines Biological Research Labs in Ukraine in Segment That Triggered State Department Response – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Outlines Biological Research Labs in Ukraine in Segment That Triggered State Department Response


This is the opening monologue from Fox News host Tucker Carlson that triggered a reaction from the U.S. State Department.

Last week it was a conspiracy theory to discuss biological weapons/research labs in Ukraine.  However, what was a conspiracy theory last week, is an admitted situation as of yesterday.  Tucker takes a closer look at the issue.  watch

12 Comments on Tucker Carlson Outlines Biological Research Labs in Ukraine in Segment That Triggered State Department Response

  1. Looking more & more like a proxy war/civil war among Assholes who are ultimately both making their citizens suffer.

    This is why I’m on no one’s side.

  2. And now we are also finding out while NO ONE is really pushing the Origin of Coof-19 or the financial liability for it.

    2 year fraud
    Proof of Western Involvement 2 years & 2 weeks latter!

  3. One needs to study pathogens that have been or might be used as bioweapons in order to develop defenses against them. The expertise and facilities for defense can easily be used for offense, so it really comes down to trust. Why was the US DoD putting trust in the corrupt government of Ukraine to outsource lab work — like we don’t have secure biolabs in the DoD system here?

    Where else do they have outsourced labs? Venezuela? Pakistan? Albania?

    I guess Ukraine isn’t as stupidly idiotic as China.

  4. I hope the next thing that finally gets covered is a full dumping of the Democrat Election steel.
    Who knows, that might be the hidden hard in the ChYnA/RuSkiE back pocket.

  5. Putin early in his presidency asked the legitimate question, the Warsaw Pact is gone, yet NATO has spread to our borders, with whom is NATO lining up against?
    I can understand NATO and countries from eastern block wanting to join NATO, but there should’ve been a semblance of self awareness that this could cause problems and isolate Russia. I guess just too many of the cold war hands wanted to stick it Russia so they wouldn’t be able to grab these border countries. We can blame Putin and curse him, but to ignore our roll through foreign policy that created this is juvenile .

  6. I reckon it’s just coincidence that the Clinton Foundation grift is getting cranked up again, now that we’re dumping $14 billion down the Ukraine rat hole. That and her shyster Marc Elias taking control of BLM. Happy days are here again for Hillary. No wonder she says she’s not running for President. Who’d want to be President of the US, when they can pick at its rotting carcass for plum morsels?

  7. I’m thinking that the US funded these labs help Ukraine defensively or offensively since they were under pressure from Russia to not join NATO as a deterrent so Russia would be less likely to invade them.

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