Tucker Carlson Outlines SVB Collapse and Ponders Impact of Cultural Marxism on Outcome – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Outlines SVB Collapse and Ponders Impact of Cultural Marxism on Outcome

For his opening monologue Friday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlined the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and ponders the deeper story that lay underneath the sudden failure. WATCH:

18 Comments on Tucker Carlson Outlines SVB Collapse and Ponders Impact of Cultural Marxism on Outcome

  1. Evil clowns to the left of us
    foolish jokers to the right
    and here we the people are stuck in the middle with them

    Getting harder to make sense of it all

    Apologies to Stealers Wheel

  2. So, WTF happened to the coverage of the January 6th tapes??? THings have gone downhill since Monday and Tucker seems to be shutting up about the evidence. I smell a rat!! :^#

  3. My guess is that the bulk of America will begin to understand the depths to which these hate-America nihilistic totalitarians have sabotaged our economy when bread costs $1000 a loaf and most of our “budget” goes to Ukraine to be laundered for the politicians.
    And, even then, some American (and ALL the Media) will blame President Trump.

    We are being destroyed by these traitorous monsters.

    Ah well, it was a helluva good country while it lasted!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. RE: Tucker Carlson, “This is the Largest Bank Failure Since 2008”

    Hey! What the hell is going on?
    Janet Yell (ing?) is in the B-A-N-K-I-N-G BUSINESS! NOT the highly subjective social equity governance, creating and/or promulgating racial equality, equity, abortion, Marxist philosophy and/or Climate Change (aka, “Global Warming” – made popular by a tobacco farmer with little to no education or understanding of the climate sciences) by intertwining and weaving all this, essentially, into the fabric of the banking system.

    An example of this has been reported by Tucker Carlson on 3/10/2023 regarding the recent Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failure due primarily to the weaving of politics and socialist policies into the banking system.

    Banking systems do not elect nor appoint their Treasury Secretaries to be a Marxist banking activist who includes equity, inclusion, abortion and/or Climate Change into the rigors of the banking system. Hopefully, this is not the case with our Federal Reserve system.

    The Federal Reserve is reportedly not part of the United States government, but instead a separate central bank cabal run and overseen primarily by foreign, but predominantly, respected Jewish bankers since the beginning of the Federal Reserve system, enacted by the treasonous Woodrow Wilson in 1913 (followed by The Great Depression, 1929 to 1939), and which, has never been audited by the United States government.


    Sorry Guys. It’s ALL BS! Want to kill off ALL humanity, animals and photosynthetic biological life?? Reduce the Earth CO2 levels below approx. 175-ppm. This will create CO2 famine by first killing off all the photosynthetic-biological plant life.

    The current World CO2 average level is around 400-ppm. Better get those electric cars, windmills and photovoltaic cells cranked up and shut down all airlines, coal/petroleum/gas-burning engines and nuclear plants!

    CO2 on Earth = 0.04% (400-ppm), Temp = plus, +57-F….. CO2 on Mars = 95% (950,000-ppm), Temp = minus, -80-F.

    Also NOTE: In prehistoric times “Dinosaurs” (many very large plant-eating, and then, animal-eating animal life) the CO2 levels ranged from 3,000 to 7,000-ppm and higher.

  6. They must destroy the monetary and financial systems before they can remake them. This is all part of the plan. The suffering of us plebes is simply evidence to them of their success.

  7. Piano music

    To continue where you were going, scientists have taken core samples as deep as they can go in the polar ice caps. They examined CO2 content through out the sample. It never deviated. The CO2 content was, and still is .04 %. Try and find that on Google

  8. “They must destroy the monetary and financial systems before they can remake them. This is all part of the plan.” -ACParker

    Normally, they’d have rescind some laws and pass new ones and then spend decades fighting Constitutional challenges. But in the fabricated emergency that’s coming, they’ll get away with whatever they want.

    Because we won’t stop them.

  9. Might Wanna try a CCP tin foil hat for bright sunlight. Hip boots optional.

    “The purpose of ‘Climate Change’ proponents is to reduce the CO2 level to below 200-ppm (parts of C02 per million parts of air), which approaches extinction levels of photosynthetic plants.

    “Currently, world average levels are around 400-ppm. Organic life of animals and plants thrived in CO2 levels ranging from 3,000 to 7,000-ppm in the distant prehistoric past.

    “We are currently in a ‘CO2 famine’. Thus, it appears that the CO2 proponents desire the extinction of all life and/or destroy Western economies via shutting down fossil fuel-burning dependency while ignoring China and India’s ongoing and unhindered construction of new fossil fuel and coal burning plants”.

  10. Below, is a table of two CO2 and methane core samples collected by CDAIC in Antarctica.

    The first core sample was collected at many depths beginning at 800,000 years towards 1950, and a second beginning at 400,000 years, again towards 1950. Through the resulting graph that was created, the curves showed many cyclic max and minimums from the oldest core sample to the most recent in 1950. The cycles span at a variety of peaks and valleys spanning anywhere from 5K years to approx. 75K years. The CO2 and Methane levels changed relatively little over the course of the analytical results, and this, I believe was what Brad (comment above) was referring to.

    As you can see from the graph below, that the C02 min/max range changed from 176-250 ppm (at 800K years) to 178-275-ppm in 1950, and from 240-275 (at 400K years) to 200-275 in 1950. It is unknown whether there was volcanic activity or other CO2 source that may have impacted the core sample that was collected.

    Below, is the graph and the CO2/Methane results, footnotes and the Reference Link to the Web site.

    Graphs from CDIAC* Antarctica ice core samples at two sites
    Location ppm-v Curve Age Gas ppb-v
    Dome C 176-250 Cyclic** 800K C02
    Dome C 178-275 Cyclic** 1950 C02
    Dome C Cyclic** 800K Methane 400-700
    Dome C Cyclic** 1950 Methane 380-700
    Vostok 240-275 Cyclic** 400K C02
    Vostok 200-275 Cyclic** 1950 C02
    Vostok Cyclic** 400K Methane 400-660
    Vostok Cyclic** 1950 Methane 395-600
    *Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
    **CO2 & Methane Cycles are random at min/max: 5K to 75K yrs.


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