Tucker Carlson – President Trump vs The UniParty Neocons – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson – President Trump vs The UniParty Neocons

CTH: Tucker Carlson is defying the gravitational pull of Fox News legal department and continuing to broadcast his monologues on the Elon Musk platform known as Twitter.

For his third episode, tonight Tucker Carlson discussed the Biden administration using the Dept of Justice to target Donald Trump, while the republican establishment, including the majority of the 2024 republican presidential candidates, generally stand aside and watch the targeting take place. {Direct Rumble Link}

What Mr Carlson outlines is accurate in the context of the DC UniParty and their aligned outlook toward foreign policy. However, Carlson is smarter than this.  He knows the core opposition to Trump is not centered around foreign policy; it is one level higher; the opposition is based on economics, yes money. It is the economic policy of our nation that drives the foreign policy of our nation, perfectly encapsulated in this era when President Trump said, “economic security is national security.”

The truest reality of the thing is that foreign policy is an outcome of economic priority. So, why would Tucker stop at the neocon angle to the opposition and not drive all the way through to the core issue. Who is controlling the money? Decide for yourself.  WATCH:

6 Comments on Tucker Carlson – President Trump vs The UniParty Neocons

  1. Twice in history ( to the best of my knowledge; an I was always the #1 in history – i love it!) have conservatives teamed up with Dems to kick a GOP Communist out.
    First everyone knows. Tricky Dick

    Second only hard chargin conservatives know. GWB’s Commie AG Alberto.

    Why did we force Alberto out? Because he was spending $hundreds of millions persecuting/prosecuting a man who met with Sec State with 2 (two) wires when being ordered to fabricate the Farsi tapes about WMD!
    Bush gave the order to Powell to fake the WMD tapes; OF COURSE HE KNEW THEY DID NOT EXIST!

    The only time in the last 50 yers GWB did not lie was in ’06 when he said, “I HOPE IM THE LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT!”!?#!@$%^&*!?#

  2. The ruling class wants economic and social control over the populace. Anyone named Donald Trump, or anyone who believes as he does, is a clear and present danger and must not be allowed to assume power. The line is drawn. Pick a side.


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