Tucker Carlson puts together the long list of political arrests in Biden’s America – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson puts together the long list of political arrests in Biden’s America

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

We’ve all been aware of the stories about the FBI arresting conservatives—and by that, I don’t mean the way the FBI has hunted down every grannie and veteran who, made ignorant by the systematic removal of “no trespassing” signs and fencing, and the Capitol police holding open doors, entered the Capitol and wandered around reverently. That’s bad enough. But the FBI is also going after high-level, high-profile political operatives (advisors, politicians, journalists) who have dared challenge Biden’s rise to the White House. On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson finally put together a list of the brutal, humiliating, seemingly lawless arrests, and it’s really shocking.

What you see in Tucker’s opening monologue is something I don’t believe we’ve ever seen before in America: A presidential administration is systematically using its police power to intimidate the political opposition at the highest levels. As Tucker points out, Democrats have declared every successful Republican presidential election illegitimate since Bush in 2000, but no Republican administration has ever used its police power to silence these people.

Democrats, though, are enamored of the police state. Obama spied on both the Senate and on journalists. Then, probably heartened by the minimal pushback, he authorized spying on a presidential candidate—and got away with it.

No wonder, then, that the Biden Department of Justice feels that it can raid the homes of politicians, political operatives, and journalists, smashing their doors, leaving them humiliated on the sidewalk, tossing the contents of their houses, and stealing all of their electronic devices, or that it can arrest people close to Trump, always making sure to do so in the most humiliating, demeaning way possible, and without even bothering to show the warrants authorizing this police activity.

And that’s how we end up with this:

7 Comments on Tucker Carlson puts together the long list of political arrests in Biden’s America

  1. Electing a Manchurian Candidate can have Catastrophic Consequences. Installing an Incompetent Candidate managed and controlled by a Manchurian Candidate can result in what is happening now to our Country.

  2. Why blame oBozo when the fault lies in the federal government for being partisan, failing their Oaths to protect and serve, and working for their salaries alone.

    The FBI, and the IRS, have been screaming for a purging, mass prosecutions, and punishment as the traitors to this nation that they have been.

    Good luck cleaning those stables. Eliminating those agencies asap would be a start.

  3. “Electing a Manchurian Candidate …” -Marco

    Heh. If anyone believes this administration was elected, I’ve got a bridge for sale in Manhattan …cheap.

    The constitution has been overthrown; don’t want to hear about “muh rights”, “muh democracy”, or “muh ‘Merica”. It’s gone, and it’s my opinion that ‘elections’ are not going to remedy the situation. YMMV.

  4. Democrats have declared every successful Republican presidential election illegitimate since Bush in 2000, but no Republican administration has ever used its police power to silence these people.

    Wow! It’s almost like Republicans are… just… Oh! Pshaw!

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