Tucker Carlson Responds After Kamala Harris Posts Letter Allegedly from Him Promoting Gun Control – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Responds After Kamala Harris Posts Letter Allegedly from Him Promoting Gun Control

This new breed of Commie Democrats are truly pathetic. They have absolutely no respect for the American public.

Kamala Harris posted a letter from “Tucker” Tuesday night on her Twitter page promoting gun control. The tweet made people think it was from Tucker Carlson. more here

15 Comments on Tucker Carlson Responds After Kamala Harris Posts Letter Allegedly from Him Promoting Gun Control

  1. Another trustworthy letter Kamala recently received:

    Dear Maam: I am a former high ranking Nigerian official who is seeking to escape my country. My problem is that I need to also get my vast fortune of $500 million dollars out of the country as well. This is where I need your help.

    Please forward your bank account number and on-line banking login information so that I may deposit my $500 million dollars into a US Bank. You may retain $50 million dollars for your trouble. Also, I would ask that you advance the necessary wire fees so that my government will not catch on – if you send me $1000 in Target gift cards, this should suffice.


    Nigel Niger, Chief Deputy Prime Minister of All of Nigeria.

  2. “Thank you for heading the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for years and President Biden’s push for common sense gun safety laws.”

    So obviously a Gen Z campaign doofus girl wrote that.

    And to my eye, the sig says “Sucker”, which is what you have to be to think this juvenile scribble is real.

  3. Yepper…I am for fracking before I was against it
    I don’t like EV cars any more (or any less)
    Let’s not tax those tips okay (we will have your employers gather them as part of the service)
    No taxes on Social Security (because we are gonna eliminate it)
    Single payer health insurance is out (because you don’t need any health service because we gave it all to the illegals).

    There Kamala I cleared it up for you.

  4. That Ai generated letter from Tucker to KamalMao proves Ai still needs more tweaking. It did not capture Tucker’s writing style, words he frequently uses or any nuances. So obviously fake. It almost seems like a joke.
    Big clincher of a clue – the letter is not written in cursive. Gen Z and younger Millennials don’t in general know how to write in cursive. Something a Gen X like Tucker could do.
    Another thing. Gen Z indoctrinated by socialism, critical thinking aspects like strategy and individual original creativity almost doesn’t exist with them. No imagination at all.
    BTW, KamalMao didn’t write that response. She’s to scatter-brained to have a fluid thought.
    The future won’t be bright with Ai around.

  5. Well stupid or not, she fills the bill for the coming fraud. They had to get rid of Biden who was polling disastrously and the fraud necessary to keep him in office would have been way too much.

    Just remember right before Harris was installed, she consistently was rated as the most unpopular VP in history. By far. But after her selection, she’s magically now leading Trump in the swing states that shut down counting in 2020 with DJT miles ahead.

    It’s all about making her “close” win in Nov to look plausible. They told us Biden got 81M votes while not campaigning & 8 person rallies while Trump was killing it. And NO ONE did shit.

    They know this election is the one they gotta have to cement the treason. If you think 1 failed assassination attempt was a one and shucks we’re done, you ain’t been paying attention. There is no way they can allow a now street wise DJT 4 another 4 years. They are going to pull out all the stops. Clyburn has been visiting the previous fraud count centers, making fucking sure he’s got everyone on board.


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