Tucker Carlson Targets a Serious, Dangerous Crisis in American Science – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Targets a Serious, Dangerous Crisis in American Science

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Last week, University College London released a massive study showing that the antidepressants that the majority of adult Americans are guzzling like candy do not treat a chemical imbalance in the brain because depression isn’t caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.  This is just the latest in a series of body blows American science has taken in the past few years — and Tucker Carlson lobs some nuclear missiles, in the form of facts, targeting the way in which the pharmaceutical industry and government money have corrupted science, placing Americans at tremendous risk.

Tucker had only 19 minutes, so one of the things he didn’t address, but which should be examined up front, is the fact that, in 2015, a serious problem that had been bubbling through the science establishment finally broke into the open for ordinary citizens: the replication crisis.

In 2015, a Science article caused an upheaval in the psychological sciences. A group of researchers attempted to replicate a hundred published studies. They found that two thirds of these could not reproduce the so-called “statistically significant” effects found in the original studies, so the published studies had failed a basic check. Cancer studies have faced similar problems with non-replicable findings — a stark reminder that this replication crisis can have real-world consequences.

This crisis attacks science at its root: if an experiment cannot be replicated, it’s failed the most basic definition of science — that is, coming up with a theory and creating a controlled experiment that proves this theory.  A theory that cannot be replicated has failed as surely as if it had failed in the first instance. more here

12 Comments on Tucker Carlson Targets a Serious, Dangerous Crisis in American Science

  1. It has been my observation that depression is mainly caused by, and is always severely exacerbated by, sitting or laying around like a sack of wet shit conjuring up reasons to be miserable and that tends to make the future look dark and bleak.

    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousands of times. I’ve never seen a dog that was in the hunt that knew it had fleas. If you are depressed, get off your ass and do something.

  2. “Scientists” attend the same schools, have the same degrees, and are part of the same caste – thus they are reluctant to expose members of their profession who are – shall we say – somewhat slack? Similarly to lawyers, accountants, law enforcement, media maggots, big tech maggots, GS gov’t maggots, and pharmaceutical gangsters – there’s omerta.
    One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.
    Once a “scientist” sees a fellow “scientist” became fabulously wealthy from shady “research” it opens the door and shady “research” becomes the norm.
    Judges do the same thing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @ JD
    Yet on to something me thinks. I’m sure there’s exceptions but that’s the right direction.
    Just an observation. but just looking at my extended family almost everyone of them are medicated with about 4 medication.

  4. JDH.
    What you say is true to a point and getting off ur azz is probably the best way to deal with it but it is a real thing. I fought it for many years even as a kid. As an adult I went the pill route as advised, Wellbutrin, Prozac etc and it did help me a great deal….with my hangovers. I could drink like a maniac, and did, without the debilitating hangovers I usually got. Other than that the pills were useless. Learning to understand and deal with it in my own head is what makes it manageable for me to this day.

  5. Years ago my sister couldn’t understand her poor life conditions and blamed me. She successfully suck the welfare tit her whole life.
    I told her if she wanted to find the source of her problems, “Go look in the mirror”.
    She managed to raise 2 boys that left school and went straight onto SSI, and the circle continues.


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