Tucker Carlson to Emanuel: ‘Nobody Believes You, Doctor’ – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson to Emanuel: ‘Nobody Believes You, Doctor’

DailyCaller: Tucker Carlson interviewed Ezekiel Emanuel on his new primetime Fox News show Tuesday night, an interview the Obamacare architect probably wishes he skipped.

Carlson, who co-founded The Daily Caller, opened by noting “Obamacare is the biggest piece of social reorganization passed in [his] lifetime, and yet it has never, as far as I know, received majority support.”

“Shouldn’t you get by-in from the public before reorganizing their health care?” he asked.

“The public likes many of the provisions,” Emanuel responded.

“Yeah, some,” Carlson admitted.

“Wait, did you ask me a question?” Emanuel hostilely shot back at the Fox News host. “Let me answer the question, please. A little respect. The only provision that scores under 50 percent is the mandate, and people haven’t understood that if you want no pre-existing disease, condition, exclusion, you have to have a mandate. Those are inexplicably linked. The public, of course, would like their cake and eat it too, but you cannot have both of those…”

“Before you continue to patronize the public, let me just make something clear,” cut in Carlson.
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15 Comments on Tucker Carlson to Emanuel: ‘Nobody Believes You, Doctor’

  1. I think Doctor Death and his worthless fairy brother Rahm should be exported to someplace nice for their kind, like the middle of an ISIS camp and let them fend for themselves. Tattoo a “MOHAMMED SUCKS DONKEY DICKS in the ISIS arabic native language on their foreheads and put Rahm in a ballerina tutu.

  2. Someone should ask Nancy Pelosi if she has managed yet to read the entire Obamacare act yet. They passed it, and she said they had to pass it to see what’s inside. The DNC should hang that around her scrawny neck and boot her ass under the buss. There are some saying this should happen within the Camp Democrat.

  3. “Those are inexplicably linked.”

    This word… inexplicable.. I do not think it means what you think it means. Moron. You just invalidated your own argument by saying you can’t tell anyone why they are linked.

    Conversely – they can be easily separated because there is no explainable reason they are linked. Evil moron

    As for your oft mangled expression regarding cake and eating it – the proper phrasing is: You can’t eat your cake and (still) have it, too.

    The way you said it is backwards and thus stupid. Because you must always have your cake before you can eat it. Moron.

    Just to be clear – I hate this guy and he is on my list of 100 to be dragged out into the street and shot in the head.

  4. Tucker is a very clever smartass…and that is one of the things that I like most about him. So sure of his argument, he tips Emanuel off with his facial expressions…and Emanuel, chugging and chugging, under the weight of the behemoth that is ObamaCare has nary a chance.

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