Tucker: CNN Calls For Fox News To Be Taken Off The Air – IOTW Report

Tucker: CNN Calls For Fox News To Be Taken Off The Air

Tucker Humiliates The Fools

19 Comments on Tucker: CNN Calls For Fox News To Be Taken Off The Air

  1. Yea they are coming after your livelihood Tucker. It would surprise me if they didn’t

    Then they came for the Donald, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trump supporter.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  2. To the tune of “Don’t stop The Dance” (Bryan Ferry)

    Drifting thru a world that’s torn and tattered, every news media don’t know a thing- can’t cuck him, can’t cuck the Tuck.

    (I miss the Donald subreddit lol)

  3. Fox is dead to conservatives but don’t expect the prog-tards to care. It doesn’t matter how exalted you are in the eyes of the left, one misstep, one wrong thought, word or deed and you’re out.

    Fox can never polish enough knobs to be blessed by the commies.


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