Tucker: CNN pays 58 airports approx. $100,000 each to play their propaganda 🤣 – IOTW Report

Tucker: CNN pays 58 airports approx. $100,000 each to play their propaganda 🤣

“CNN is paying $100,000 each to pump propaganda into America’s airports, holding its hapless travelers hostage. It’s not something the airports would do willingly. Who would? Nobody watches CNN – it’s garbage.”

17 Comments on Tucker: CNN pays 58 airports approx. $100,000 each to play their propaganda 🤣

  1. …huh, there’s TVs in airports? I’ve flown a bunch but never noticed.

    Althogh it DOES seem like there was SOME noisy, illuminated thing aroud the gates, but I just assumed it was some dumbass advertisement and ignored it while reading and brushing up on whatever assignment I was travelling for in the FIRST place…

  2. While traveling in south asia, for several years, I can verify the hotels & airports show cnn, it is the only American view point being shown to millions of people. I imagine it is the same in other regions……
    al jazera was usually less biased

  3. Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd the Chicoms finance CNN and give them their talking points.
    Anyone who turns on CNN is inviting Xi Jinping and his Propaganda Officers directly into their living rooms!

    Whut’s for dinner honey?
    Again? That’s the fourth time this week! Change the channel!

  4. Kevin R. – China. They are being subsidized by China. Russia too for all I know. What I do know is that they are not getting for 30 seconds of ad time what they used to be able to command. That right there makes them buyable and the Commies have stated for decades that they will destroy us from within.
    “We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism.”


  5. Last time I was stuck in an airport and CNN reported some evil thing President Trump had done the guy next to me said “How awful.”
    I said “It’s CNN. It‘s a lie.”
    And it was. He didn’t do what they said.

  6. Was just in DEN and ABQ airports. No one watches the TV’s-everyone’s head is staring at their crotch, ie, staring at their phones or electronic devices.
    And what’s with all the dogs traveling in the cabin-the 4 legged ones of course?
    Maybe FOX should pay the airports $101,000/yr ?

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