Tucker: Comey’s firing was long overdue – IOTW Report

Tucker: Comey’s firing was long overdue

Tucker Carlson: FBI director was unfit for office and had become too powerful

17 Comments on Tucker: Comey’s firing was long overdue

  1. If Tucker means he should have been fired under obama then, yes, it is overdue. But Trump needed him to be in front of the cameras, acting as FBI Director, in order to be part of the nonstory. If Trump had fired him before then, the left would have seized upon yet another story of how Trump is trying to hide his Russia connections.

  2. “Tucker: Comey’s firing was long overdue”

    Trumps still playing 10 dimensional chess. Before you can drain the swamp, you need be able to identify the alligators. I’m hoping this is the first of many.
    OR, sometimes when your business isn’t running the way you want it too, you need to take a scalp.

  3. msNBC not Happy Campers.
    From Nicole Wallace, Todd, Matthews, Hey Hey Heys, Dark Shadows, Brian Williams and… Andrea Mitchell.
    And a bunch of nitwits parasite rotating ‘Guests’ on the ‘Shows’.
    Every second, every frame, every image, every word…
    Recorded for amusement and re-popcornation.

    Some will live in youtube hilarity forever.

    Stay a while…..staaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy forever.


  4. Draining the swamp. Time to add some bleach, too.

    When he failed to bring charges against the Hildabeast he proved he was corrupt and a giant POS. I hope he goes to Hell.

    Now, let’s get us a real FBI Director who will prosecute the Hildabeast, Eric Withholder, Loretta Lynch, Lois Lerner, and a bunch of thugs at the BATFE for Operation Fast and Furious.

  5. Could someone please contact AAA, Rand McNally or Google and get President Trump a map that will show him where the “high road” is? Mr. Comey should have offered his resignation some time ago. If he did not he should have been asked for it. It seems neither happened so President Trump fired him and wished him well, which seems very reasonable and to be expected. What should not be expected is the continuation of conversation, by the President, on this topic. ENOUGH! Mr. President, you are surrounded by intelligent, loyal talented people. Listen to them and let them take on Chuck S., Nancy P., and the media. Do not discuss Mr. Comey – you said it all when you fired him. You ended that on a somewhat civil note by “wishing him well” ENOUGH.

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