Tucker Interview With Putin – IOTW Report

Tucker Interview With Putin

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14 Comments on Tucker Interview With Putin

  1. Whatever else, I know Putin has what’s in the best interests of Russia in mind when he acts. That’s a lot more than I can say for the deep state bastards running the US.

  2. Putin sounded like a well-informed professor of history, sociology, and political science. He talked unprompted for 30 minutes on the history of Rus dating back to 800 AD.

    By contrast, Joe can’t even remember when he was VP.

    Putin’s hot button were NATO, and Ukraine corruption dating back to WWII. No wonder the DC corruptocrats want him silenced.

  3. Pretty much a nothing burger in that you got nothing that you didn’t already know or suspect as true.

    Still comparing the dried up husk of a human (maybe) that we have for a pResident to a sharp, knowledgable and conversant president that they have doesn’t give you any good feelings. Although as was intimated pedo Joe isn’t running anything anyway. Isn’t a world leader anywhere who wishes to conference with our figurehead. Buy him his ice cream cone and change his diaper.

    While I don’t give a shit I’m sure the MSM will have all kinds of spin on “this controversial interview.” Will it be the same exact verbiage used by all of them?


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