Tucker: Last week, the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live – IOTW Report

Tucker: Last week, the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live

12 Comments on Tucker: Last week, the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live

  1. If the Left has embraced violence as their politics then their institutions should meet the same. The NYTs should be burnt to the ground and the staff should meet face to face with violence.

  2. Tucker has a great idea. Publish the addresses of the entire NYT editor staff. Oh wait, nobody cares and those on the right wouldn’t think about threatening them

  3. It’s none of their damned business for the NY Slimes to publish where Tucker Carlson and his family live. Why can’t they just leave Tucker Carlson and other conservatives alone. If we were to publish where the libtards live and harass them they’d shit bricks and call it not fair. I hate the left and their hypocrisy against everyone who disagrees with them. Viet vet, damned right there will be a reckoning and the left will not like being hoisted on their own petard, the left is nothing but a bunch of bullies and cowards and chickenshits and needs to be called out and mocked and ostracized for their their bad behavior towards conservatives and Christians and everyone else they disagree with.

  4. If anybody attacks Tucker or his family, or causes any destructive acts to his home, and the attacker knew the location on account of what Carpenter released, Tucker should have a legal case to pursue.

    It would also be good if Carpenter gets beaten to an inch of his life.


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