Tucker: Omar thinks there’s little difference between US, Al Qaeda – IOTW Report

Tucker: Omar thinks there’s little difference between US, Al Qaeda

Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar says Muslims are mistreated in America; Democrats claiming Trump is inciting violence against Omar.

12 Comments on Tucker: Omar thinks there’s little difference between US, Al Qaeda

  1. Is the POS that threw the little boy over the balcony at the mall from her district? Is he also Somali? I haven’t heard for for sure. Omar probably thinks the little boy deserved it and we should have sympathy for the perp.

  2. I imagine most her constituents are America haters that think the same.

    And imported ones at that, not ones with their past originating in America.

    They, and the rest of the Left, are not going to be satisfied until America as it has been for several hundred years is destroyed as a free nation and no longer significant in future world history. This is so the rest of Western civilization will follow more readily without resistance.

  3. Notice the NPC’s…..

    All use the same phrases…..incitement or inciting……

    My guess is that there’s a group “all call” at 6:00 am to get their talking points coordinated.

  4. “Democrats claiming Trump is inciting violence against Omar”

    Sounds like a “Manufactured Crisis” to me, Dems.

    You Dems don’t mind if I repurpose your lockstep phrase, do you?

  5. If that’s the case, then POTUS Trump should deport Omar to the nearest Al Qaeda run shithole.

    I wonder how long they will put up with her mouthy crap?


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