Tucker plays audio of Dianne Feinstein caught on hot mic at Barrett hearing – IOTW Report

Tucker plays audio of Dianne Feinstein caught on hot mic at Barrett hearing

Sen. Dianne Feinstein was caught criticizing Amy Coney Barrett’s faith during  hearing. Barrett’s long-time friend Anne Falgoust weighs in on her record.

22 Comments on Tucker plays audio of Dianne Feinstein caught on hot mic at Barrett hearing

  1. Sen. Feinstein,
    Your nihilistic secular humanistic dogma barks loudly in you.
    Does that disqualify you from the Senate?
    Is that a “concern?”

    We breathlessly await your answer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

    An interesting concept, I wonder if we could make it into a law?

  3. Talmudic Judeans hate the Christ, and those they perceive as Christians, with the heat of a thousand suns. Why is anyone surprised by what the senator said, or even upset by it? It’s been this way for two thousand years, and will not cease until the final curtain drops at the end of the Millennium. This conduct by her should be expected.

    In the scheme of things, she is a nonentity.

  4. Odin, Diane Feinstein is a liberal first and not an observant Jew. Also, she is an embarassment to Jews who respect good people of any faith.
    Progressives disrespect practicing Christians and Jews alike.

  5. The one critical thing that most everyone overlooks — not least Diane Feinstein and her ilk — is that those who are especially antagonistic toward so-called “organized religion” (which, by the way, is just bigoted word play for disguising one’s antipathy toward Christianity), fail to see how thoroughly their own “dogma” runs not just their own lives but, through them, the lives of those over whom they hold power and the authority to create law.

    Communism is a giant dogma, Diane.


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