Tucker Reveals CNN Told Hosts To Discredit Donna Brazile To Cover For Clinton – IOTW Report

Tucker Reveals CNN Told Hosts To Discredit Donna Brazile To Cover For Clinton

Daily Caller: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson reported Monday that according to sources, CNN had reporters discredit former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile over her revelations that made Hillary Clinton look bad.

Carlson said, “According to highly informed sources we spoke to–highly informed–top management at CNN directed its employees to undermine Brazile’s credibility. Anchors and producers were vocally offended by her attacks on their friends, the Clintons. If you’ve been watching that channel, you may have noticed CNN’s anchors suggesting that Donna Brazile cannot be trusted, precisely because she took part in efforts to break the primaries for Clinton.”

The Daily Caller co-founder then played a clip of CNN hosts trying to make Brazile look bad over her sharing a primary debate questionwith Clinton’s campaign, which he compared to political talking points.

Tucker also revealed that Brazile will join him on Wednesday to talk more about the DNC.  MORE

13 Comments on Tucker Reveals CNN Told Hosts To Discredit Donna Brazile To Cover For Clinton

  1. this does not come as any surprise as CNN has been in the tank for the Clintons since jump street. What is surprising is that CNN is still viewed as a credible news source by so many. Cronkite would roll over in his grave if he could see was the “news” business has become.

  2. “offended by her attacks on their friends, the clintons”

    who on Gods green earth would ever claim to be a friend of the clintons ?

    write their names down so when the time comes we know who they were.

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