Tucker Slams Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program for Targeting People Whose Ancestors Built The Country – IOTW Report

Tucker Slams Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program for Targeting People Whose Ancestors Built The Country

“If you’re killing 50,000 of your citizens, and the government is doing that through the MAiD program, and a lot of them are not actually terminally ill, they’re just sad.

10 Comments on Tucker Slams Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program for Targeting People Whose Ancestors Built The Country

  1. We all know how Liberals say one thing, but do another and thru their ever present “incrementalism” their programs always mutate into something worse. What people need to realize is that “assisted suicide” programs are not just for the dying or depressed. If you disagree with their politics, you’re just a target in waiting. That’s why you never let it start in the first place!

  2. …once life stops being regarded as sacred and you give the State control over ending it, its just a small step from suicide being available to “suicide” being MANDITORY.

    …see Hillary Clinton for further details…

  3. “the government is not your friend”

    Not only that, it’s clear that no one on this planet knows how to run one. We have the best blueprint ever written and we can’t do it.

  4. We, your government, hate you and want you to die for things you can’t change about yourself even if you wanted to. We intend to take everything from you so their’s nothing for your children, and your children can expect nothing but censure and discrimination from us for the same reasons as you. We will also not let you defend yourself or anyone you love from anything, rape and murder included. And we will use the full force of government to ensure you never have ANY hope that any of this will get better, and all our press will vilify you and glorify everyone who hates you on a daily basis.

    This should make you sad.

    Now that you’re sad, may we recommend suicide care for you? It’s the only health care that will be made available to your kind anyway, you may as well take advantage of it. Wait here and I will call the MAiD to “clean up” the useless carbon that is you.

  5. This is what happens when “you eventually run out of other people’s money” as Margaret Thatcher so accurately pointed out regarding Socialism. The folks who “run” that nation’s government DO NOT deserve to go out so comfortably.


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