Tucker Slams NBC For ‘Softest Interview’ Of Nathan Phillips – IOTW Report

Tucker Slams NBC For ‘Softest Interview’ Of Nathan Phillips

Daily Caller:

Tucker Carlson called out Savannah Guthrie on his show Thursday night for giving what he described as the “softest interview” to Nathan Phillips, the Native American man who was involved in a confrontation with students from Covington Catholic High School last week.

While many immediately assigned blame to the students, it later became clear when more video surfaced that they did not initiate the confrontation.

“Well, the media war against the menacing children of Covington Catholic in Kentucky continues tonight. The brief moment of media regret has been forgotten entirely. Yesterday, “The Today Show” questioned especially terrifying Covington student Nick Sandmann. They suggested that he had attacked a grown man Nathan Phillips by not bowing down or running away,” Carlson began.

During Guthrie’s interview with Sandmann, she asked if he felt like he owed anyone an apology, to which he responded saying he didn’t feel like he had been disrespectful.

“Don’t just stand there, it’s aggressive. Well, today that same anchor over at NBC interviewed Phillips, he’s the Native American elder you’ve been hearing so much about,” he continued. “That anchor had no shortage of material to ask Mr. Phillips about, his numerous false statements which he has made on tape recently, his misrepresentation of his military record or this interview in which Phillips describes a group of passive stationery children as a ‘lynch mob.’   Watch.

9 Comments on Tucker Slams NBC For ‘Softest Interview’ Of Nathan Phillips

  1. Allies Progress Report
    Friday January 25th at 3:45AM EST
    AXIS AXI-ohoh-s Journolists
    h.t.t.p.s.:././.www.axios.com/digital-media-layoffs-consolidation-continue-1548289098-d3bd0e23-aef7-4ad5-8778-428391e80ac8.html – Cached
    21 hours ago . . . The new layoffs show it’s not getting any easier to keep quiet
    Oo Oa

  2. Night Time versus Day Time FOX
    Marie ‘Lizard’ Harf and Jessica ‘America is AWFUL’ Tarlov, Hate America First Fest.
    And all the Liberal rest Shep Smith.

    Daytime Sophistrists.
    Nothing but Sophistry from FAKE EVIL weavers of lies and deception.
    See Them Weave on Daytime FOX.
    They stay inside when the Sun is out.
    But we know that Pattern.

    Looks like the Tarlov America is AWFUL clip has been hidden. Will have to be re-uploaded then you too can see Demons speaketh what they ‘really want’, Live, in Living Color.

  3. Randolph and Mortimer ‘Duke Bros’ KOCH ‘Conservative’ Group say thet don’t support Conservatives.


    Randy and Morty
    You get whats coming?
    Better Call MITT

    John Brennen lying his DEEP State ass off on msNBC just now. Wait for the transcript.
    John Brennen. You should be on CNN. You suck too.
    John Owen Brennan is an intelligence official who served as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the acting Muslim fixer under Barack Hussein Obama when interfacing with Iranians on behalf of Valerie POTA Khalil Jarrett.

  5. The attacks on the Covington kids is actually an attack on Christianity and Catholics. Why, other than the left’s hatred of religions other than Islam? Because Ruth Bader Ginsburg is likely to die soon and Trump’s presumed replacement for her is a Catholic and they’re softening any public support for her as much as possible.

  6. I really sick of this “Native American” bullshit. The kids are as “native” as that old, dried-up hippy. This is their land too. I guarantee they were all born here just like that old punk was. They don’t belong in Europe anymore than he does! If he wants to be “more special” he needs to be called red, like the kids are referred to as white.


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