28 Comments on Tucker takes you inside America’s newest neighbor: CHOP
Why is this farce allowed to continue?
Good lord… motorcycles finally became sentient and took over Seattle?
I knew their time would come!
“Night of the Living Dead” was an interesting piece of fiction for it’s time that became a cult classic.
These ‘people’ seem to have brought it to life.
Someone once said “when your enemy is committing suicide, stay out of their way”. Seems like good advice.
They’re not committing suicide as long as America’s enemies keep throwing money at them. Soros/Steyer management team are plotting several moves ahead. They are after violence and they’ve done an excellent job of engineering this rebellion up. They’ve managed to castrati our police forces. They have key political positions in their pocket and a political party that shares a lot of their views. Trump and the Feds are hamstrung. Politically and Constitutionally they are being prevented from taking action. So there’s nothing currently in the way of our enemies continually escalating the violence which they see as imperative. Our enemies weakness is their foot soldiers. A large percentage are just there for the party. The balance are the field generals/command and control.
The solution to this is us. And Seattle is made to order. A relative stationary small group. We need a civilian group with name recognition like the Oath Keepers or III Percenters, to gather a group of about 100 gunfighters. The Seattle Police Union needs to be contacted and told to stand down. That or a case of the Blue Flu on a specified date. We need overwatch up high in strategic spots. The enemy needs to be infiltrated by people that are dressed just like them. Quick in quick out, the only forensics left behind would be empty brass. On a plane and out of state within an hour. Because this is such a “made to order” situation, we can’t wait on them to self district. They need to be crushed now and a message sent.
I shall eat a bowl of cocoa puff this morning because cocoa puffs are black and the mascot of this brand of cereal is a monkey.
Big shout out of thanks some colorful former mp in the UK for finding this!
I will especially make sure i have some cocoa puffs on hand July 9, so i can eat a big bowl as i’m watching the roll out of the new Ford Bronco, on OJ Simpson’s birthday!
This is the result of years of moral decline and Godlessness.
Or the sound of a POS, falling in the crapper: PLOP. 💩
Brad’s right, of course.
The idea is to elicit reaction – hopefully attributable to President Trump – as Kent State (an Ohio National Guard action) got pinned on President Nixon.
Cut off the water and electricity and the schlubs would be gone in an hour.
Obviously, the City doesn’t want to do that.
Block the entrances and exits – prevent food for the maggots.
Obviously, the City doesn’t want to do that.
Neither does the State.
Open revolt without a declaration.
President Trump should tread lightly and coerce the cowards and traitors in the State and City declare themselves.
Once declared, he can act.
Until then, Brad’s notion is best.
The forces of Freedom and Liberty have NO organization – much to our dismay.
There’s more than one lesson, here.
izlamo delenda est …
Trump needs to leave it alone and let it fall on its own. If he uses any kind of military force they will use it against him.
The mayor of Seattle or the governor needs to put an end to this by shutting off the electricity and not giving them any food or other necessities. If they don’t do those things then Chop goes on until they fall from within. From the looks of the losers inside of Chop that shouldn’t take too long.
Anything Trump does will just stir up more anger and be used in campaign ads against him.
So now it’s Chop. What’s in a name? They could just as well have just called it Seattle or the shithole or CHAZ or CHOP whatever and the people who live w/in a 75 mile radius of Seattle recognize that Seattle’s still Seattle Irrespective of what you call it. This is what Seattle is. A drugged out filthy disgusting shithole.
This is progressivism folks. It is the progressive movement’s dream come true. It is how progressives would prefer to live and demand that the rest of the world live as well.
I can tell you one thing about everyone involved in this fiasco that is for sure and for certain, they all think that they are the Uber competent and all knowing and that they know how to run the whole world. And that includes Jay Inslee and Jenny Durkan.
Can you believe Jay Inslee thought he was Presidential material?
They seem nice
As in the “Island Of Misfit Toys”
Starve them out. Cut off the water and electricity. Surround them with military force. One step over the line and break some heads. Stop coddling them. If they dare shoot…shoot back.
Bikers on their way to liberate it on the 4th of July should prove to be interesting. This is pure civil war playing out. Buy ammo.
If this was after the election Trump could clean it up and then there would be 4 years for the public to have it in their past.
If he lets it continue it clearly shows the difference between US & THEM and the undecided voters will see how bad a modern Democrat government can get. I guarantee that most of the people who are trapped in CHAZ/CHOP are definitely not going to vote for the current people.
Cheryl Selby,
I updated your idea: “CRAPOLA”
Compound Run by Antifa Posers Only Leave me Alone
Deputize volunteers.
The problem will be solved violently, of course.
But they set the tone for that, didn’t they?
A well armed company of shooters would bring this shit to s screeching halt.
I give it two weeks before they hold their first trials and executions
The precise name is CHOAD.
Democrats love CHOP because it kind of makes the shithole cities they mismanage seem relatively nice.
To Professor Whoake- Field report From CHAZ:
Autonomous Zone Day 1
Dear Professor Whoake, Well, we did it. I can’t believe we are actually dismantling the system! We got the cops out and set up a few co-ops food stands as you suggested. People are very happy. Everyone has really positive status updates. Talk soon.
A.Z. Day 2
Hey Professor Whoake, So minor set back. A roaming band of homeless steampunks stole the co-ops supplies. We have a few sketchy pieces of fruit and enough water to last until tomorrow when we can resupply. The stores closed tho so I’m not sure where to go? Ttyl
A.Z. Day 2 [dusk]
They took the fruit and water. I don’t understand the steampunk genre. There are rumors of a rapper warlord wandering around with an AK-47. Your classes never taught us how to deal with that. Starting to think that we need a group of people to enforce our laws…
Day 3
U know what? F*** you “Professor” Yeah. I slept in a hut made from a torn down street sign & a CVS shopping cart. Pretty sure someone used me as a toilet. I have to pay armed guys to charge my device now. paid $13 just to be sure I could text u this 🖕🏼 I’m changing majors.
Day 4
No escape. a gypsy bartered me to the s/e sector warlord in exchange for the bagel store’s wifi password. my warlord’s name is Indigo Peaceblade. I recognize him from Starbucks on Clark Ave. I think his real name is Bryce. my job’s to collect feces for farm soil.
day 5
The farm has been lost. A meth head took it over and challenged everyone to mortal combat for the farm. Yes, it’s basically just a small pile of soil on top of some cardboard but it’s our small pile of soil on top of the cardboard. At least it was. He had two bamboo spears.
day 6
The camp was raided by a quartet of unicyclers. I fled during the fracas. While roaming a neutral zone I was confronted by a man known as Big Juice. He controls a very large supply of batteries. He has dealt with many warlords. No one touches Big Juice. I’m under his wing.
@Mr. Anth Ropy said –
“Democrats love CHOP because it kind of makes the shithole cities they mismanage seem relatively nice.”
So, it’s a Progressive zoo full of Seattle’s kids who couldn’t “make it on the outside.”
“CHOP. Watch us grow!!!”
Jonestown redux
The exact same Democrat supported agenda read the book. Progressivism at its culmination. Same inn kind different in scale.
Why is this farce allowed to continue?
Good lord… motorcycles finally became sentient and took over Seattle?
I knew their time would come!
“Night of the Living Dead” was an interesting piece of fiction for it’s time that became a cult classic.
These ‘people’ seem to have brought it to life.
Someone once said “when your enemy is committing suicide, stay out of their way”. Seems like good advice.
They’re not committing suicide as long as America’s enemies keep throwing money at them. Soros/Steyer management team are plotting several moves ahead. They are after violence and they’ve done an excellent job of engineering this rebellion up. They’ve managed to castrati our police forces. They have key political positions in their pocket and a political party that shares a lot of their views. Trump and the Feds are hamstrung. Politically and Constitutionally they are being prevented from taking action. So there’s nothing currently in the way of our enemies continually escalating the violence which they see as imperative. Our enemies weakness is their foot soldiers. A large percentage are just there for the party. The balance are the field generals/command and control.
The solution to this is us. And Seattle is made to order. A relative stationary small group. We need a civilian group with name recognition like the Oath Keepers or III Percenters, to gather a group of about 100 gunfighters. The Seattle Police Union needs to be contacted and told to stand down. That or a case of the Blue Flu on a specified date. We need overwatch up high in strategic spots. The enemy needs to be infiltrated by people that are dressed just like them. Quick in quick out, the only forensics left behind would be empty brass. On a plane and out of state within an hour. Because this is such a “made to order” situation, we can’t wait on them to self district. They need to be crushed now and a message sent.
I shall eat a bowl of cocoa puff this morning because cocoa puffs are black and the mascot of this brand of cereal is a monkey.
Big shout out of thanks some colorful former mp in the UK for finding this!
I will especially make sure i have some cocoa puffs on hand July 9, so i can eat a big bowl as i’m watching the roll out of the new Ford Bronco, on OJ Simpson’s birthday!
This is the result of years of moral decline and Godlessness.
This lot brought to you by these mongrels….
Or the sound of a POS, falling in the crapper: PLOP. 💩
Brad’s right, of course.
The idea is to elicit reaction – hopefully attributable to President Trump – as Kent State (an Ohio National Guard action) got pinned on President Nixon.
Cut off the water and electricity and the schlubs would be gone in an hour.
Obviously, the City doesn’t want to do that.
Block the entrances and exits – prevent food for the maggots.
Obviously, the City doesn’t want to do that.
Neither does the State.
Open revolt without a declaration.
President Trump should tread lightly and coerce the cowards and traitors in the State and City declare themselves.
Once declared, he can act.
Until then, Brad’s notion is best.
The forces of Freedom and Liberty have NO organization – much to our dismay.
There’s more than one lesson, here.
izlamo delenda est …
Trump needs to leave it alone and let it fall on its own. If he uses any kind of military force they will use it against him.
The mayor of Seattle or the governor needs to put an end to this by shutting off the electricity and not giving them any food or other necessities. If they don’t do those things then Chop goes on until they fall from within. From the looks of the losers inside of Chop that shouldn’t take too long.
Anything Trump does will just stir up more anger and be used in campaign ads against him.
So now it’s Chop. What’s in a name? They could just as well have just called it Seattle or the shithole or CHAZ or CHOP whatever and the people who live w/in a 75 mile radius of Seattle recognize that Seattle’s still Seattle Irrespective of what you call it. This is what Seattle is. A drugged out filthy disgusting shithole.
This is progressivism folks. It is the progressive movement’s dream come true. It is how progressives would prefer to live and demand that the rest of the world live as well.
I can tell you one thing about everyone involved in this fiasco that is for sure and for certain, they all think that they are the Uber competent and all knowing and that they know how to run the whole world. And that includes Jay Inslee and Jenny Durkan.
Can you believe Jay Inslee thought he was Presidential material?
They seem nice
As in the “Island Of Misfit Toys”
Starve them out. Cut off the water and electricity. Surround them with military force. One step over the line and break some heads. Stop coddling them. If they dare shoot…shoot back.
Bikers on their way to liberate it on the 4th of July should prove to be interesting. This is pure civil war playing out. Buy ammo.
But Bikers for Trump are NOT attending, they say.
CRAP Compound Run by Antifa Posers
North Korea is Cleaner.
If this was after the election Trump could clean it up and then there would be 4 years for the public to have it in their past.
If he lets it continue it clearly shows the difference between US & THEM and the undecided voters will see how bad a modern Democrat government can get. I guarantee that most of the people who are trapped in CHAZ/CHOP are definitely not going to vote for the current people.
Cheryl Selby,
I updated your idea: “CRAPOLA”
Compound Run by Antifa Posers Only Leave me Alone
Deputize volunteers.
The problem will be solved violently, of course.
But they set the tone for that, didn’t they?
A well armed company of shooters would bring this shit to s screeching halt.
I give it two weeks before they hold their first trials and executions
The precise name is CHOAD.
Democrats love CHOP because it kind of makes the shithole cities they mismanage seem relatively nice.
To Professor Whoake- Field report From CHAZ:
Autonomous Zone Day 1
Dear Professor Whoake, Well, we did it. I can’t believe we are actually dismantling the system! We got the cops out and set up a few co-ops food stands as you suggested. People are very happy. Everyone has really positive status updates. Talk soon.
A.Z. Day 2
Hey Professor Whoake, So minor set back. A roaming band of homeless steampunks stole the co-ops supplies. We have a few sketchy pieces of fruit and enough water to last until tomorrow when we can resupply. The stores closed tho so I’m not sure where to go? Ttyl
A.Z. Day 2 [dusk]
They took the fruit and water. I don’t understand the steampunk genre. There are rumors of a rapper warlord wandering around with an AK-47. Your classes never taught us how to deal with that. Starting to think that we need a group of people to enforce our laws…
Day 3
U know what? F*** you “Professor” Yeah. I slept in a hut made from a torn down street sign & a CVS shopping cart. Pretty sure someone used me as a toilet. I have to pay armed guys to charge my device now. paid $13 just to be sure I could text u this 🖕🏼 I’m changing majors.
Day 4
No escape. a gypsy bartered me to the s/e sector warlord in exchange for the bagel store’s wifi password. my warlord’s name is Indigo Peaceblade. I recognize him from Starbucks on Clark Ave. I think his real name is Bryce. my job’s to collect feces for farm soil.
day 5
The farm has been lost. A meth head took it over and challenged everyone to mortal combat for the farm. Yes, it’s basically just a small pile of soil on top of some cardboard but it’s our small pile of soil on top of the cardboard. At least it was. He had two bamboo spears.
day 6
The camp was raided by a quartet of unicyclers. I fled during the fracas. While roaming a neutral zone I was confronted by a man known as Big Juice. He controls a very large supply of batteries. He has dealt with many warlords. No one touches Big Juice. I’m under his wing.
@Mr. Anth Ropy said –
So, it’s a Progressive zoo full of Seattle’s kids who couldn’t “make it on the outside.”
“CHOP. Watch us grow!!!”
Jonestown redux
The exact same Democrat supported agenda read the book. Progressivism at its culmination. Same inn kind different in scale.
+++++ Ricky!
LOLOL Ricky!!!
@ Bad_brad,
I still say if you have to make a statement, do it with an A-10.