Tucker: This is one of the greatest scandals of our age – IOTW Report

Tucker: This is one of the greatest scandals of our age

18 Comments on Tucker: This is one of the greatest scandals of our age

  1. You can be your ass this cancer will metastasize from south to north throughout the states until everyone will need to be armed leaving their house…

    Taking bets on when it will reach Ohio and Pennsylvania.

  2. Ann Thracts
    JULY 31, 2021 AT 1:30 AM

    “Taking bets on when it will reach Ohio and Pennsylvania.”

    …Ohio here. Hispanics probably can’t take over here because all the African Muslims won’t let them…

  3. Wasn’t that video rolling while Tucker talked pretty scary?
    – Where are all those Africans going? Whose neighborhoods?
    This was just three minutes worth.

  4. It’s the Fundamental Transformation of America after four short years. Not to worry, Obiden’s Veep Throat, Kalamity Harris, has completed her task and determined that if the United States adopts Central America, we can stem the tide of these unfortunate illegal aliens yearning to breathe free. Meanwhile, masses of Africans seem to need a new home in the Land of the Freeloaders. Please remember to mask up in case you happen to come in close contact with one of these future victims of White Colored Racism.


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