Tucker: Why can’t we have this in America? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Why can’t we have this in America?

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host compares the American immigration system to Hungary’s.

9 Comments on Tucker: Why can’t we have this in America?

  1. Part of the Cloward-Piven strategy. So overwhelm the local and state systems that they will beg the Federal govt to step in and take control. Thus more power in the hands of the feds (which is the Democrats currently). Unfortunately, the local and state systems are being overwhelmed and the feds don’t care to step in or are too incompetent to do anything (cough, Kamala Harris, cough). This is not a bug, it is a feature of Obama 2.0.

  2. Because Hungary has been through more wars of conquest than any whiney-ass liberal feelings-based soyboy, antifa/blm puke, dumbass culturally and historically ignorant self-centered American has any idea of.

    They have lost their freedom to communism on several occasions and understand the need for sovereignty and mono-culture. When I say mono-culture, I mean the true meaning of a melting pot, where separate ingredients come together to form a unified culture – NOT the multi-culture clusterfuck that the libs preach. Think of what ingredients go into a cake – individually they are not that tasty, but mixed together and properly prepared, the end product is delicious. But I digress.

    Bottom line, Hungary has been there and done that and doesn’t want to do it again. They will circle the wagons to protect their sovereign citizens. Whereas democrats will burn our country down just to rule over the ashes.

  3. We have a deeply corrupt government that hates the people and our country, and we have diversity instead of national unity.

    Nice work liberals and Democrats.


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