Tucker: Why is this happening? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Why is this happening?

Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host examines the consequences of ‘negligence’ in leadership

21 Comments on Tucker: Why is this happening?

  1. What angers me the most is that the evil doers know they are harming the country, they know that what they are doing is not sustainable.

    They know that not jailing criminals make the populace afraid and unsafe. They know that flooding the market with fiat money deflates real currency and weakens the economy. They know that open borders makes us unsafe and stresses the welfare net. And they know that their election engineering (ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, and no ID requirements)invalidates the election process and makes it a fraud.

    They know all these things and how untenable they are to our continued existence, but they don’t care. Gain power now, the future be damned.

  2. Rich — That’s because the only thing left standing between us and their one world government is America. Look where Canada and Australia are right now! All their plans are plans, not incompetence, accidents, or mistakes.

  3. …that’s why they will fight tooth and toenail to keep Trump or any Trump GOP candidates from winning the WH in 2024. It’s why they dumped on Trump from the moment he came down the escalator.

    We have been infiltrated, from top to bottom, from inside out, by communists. They tried it before during WWII and had limited success, but it serves as a template for the wholly-unelected and permanent administrative state today. The three branches of gov’t are largely irrelevant now.

    As important as rooting out election fraud is, it still takes a back seat to understanding who, exactly, is running our country (into the ground) via the administrative state.

    I think the reason our Congress acts the way they do is because they all understand they are shouting into the wind.

  4. rich taylor – To your point, Jackass Joe and his puppet masters have:
    * Screwed-up our Energy sources
    * Screwed-up fuel prices
    * Screwed-up our Economy
    * Screwed-up the entire Supply Chain
    * Screwed-up Afghanistan
    * Screwed-up our Military
    * Screwed-up our Foreign Policy
    * Screwed-up our Police forces
    * Screwed-up our big cities
    * Screwed-up our Southern Border
    * Screwed-up our entire Immigration process
    * Screwed-up agreements
    * Screwed-up the World’s confidence in the United States of America
    * Even Screwed-up his own “plan to shut down the virus”
    Anyone who thinks that any of this has been accidental needs to re-think what’s going on! No one can look at this list and say “Gee, whut a coincidence!”. It is deliberate and it is all about Destroy America!

  5. “I think the reason our Congress acts the way they do is because they all understand they are shouting into the wind.”

    Because about half of them are Marxists and they don’t believe in the Constitution whatsoever – which is the result of 100 hears of Communist infiltration.

  6. Our government, our society, our world, and our humanity has been infiltrated by demon forces, principalities, and powers of the air that are bent on driving a wedge between us and our creator.

    The war is beyond America and it is centered on where each of us will spend eternity. Wake up, smell the brimstone, and seek Christ in all things.

  7. Even communists don’t believe in communism.

    It is simply a vehicle to power.

    The leadership convinces the morons, imbeciles, mentally challenged social misfits, perverts, and the continually confused to march, riot, spout slogans, and offer their lives for the “cause” knowing that they are entirely, and preferably, completely expendable.

    This Globaloneyism is the fevered dream of Sargon, Cyrus, Xerxes, Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and Mao.

    It’s been co-opted by Gates, Soros, Buffett, Zuckerberg, Bozos, and other assorted $Billionaire maggots. The whole world is reeling under this madness.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I saw on Twitter that Dems are going to try and disqualify all Republicans who were against certifying the 2020 election.

    Maybe Republicans should do the same for all Dems who did not want to certify the 2016 election.

  9. @ rich taylor JANUARY 6, 2022 AT 3:49 PM

    Todd Herman, who Rush had covering for him just prior to his death, has been exploring the evil nature and intent in depth on his podcasts. He gave up his radio program to allow more freedom in exploring topics like this from a good vs evil perspective.

    I have found the Spotify site to be very convenient and have been listening to these on the way to work.


  10. Given that the left loves to bastardize definitions of words (marriage, gay, assault rifle, domestic terrorist, racism, equity, and truth) I try to pick my words carefully and use them for specific effect. “Evil” is not only accurate but easy to quantify. Their “mens rea” is obvious, instituting polices that has never ever worked in the history of the world, and the out come, causing harm or ruin, is self evident.

    I think it’s important to label them for what they are because this determines our actions. We can put away the gloves, the comity, the civility, and any pretense of working with them.

  11. Antidote,
    Lots of people have ammo. Lots of ammo.
    But they have to sleep once in a while.
    You need a posse.

    One guy can have 5 pallets of ammo and 5 pallets of food and 5 determined guys will take it all away from him – and gut him just for the fun of it.

    Organization. Armor. Artillery. Fire and Maneuver. C^3 (Command, Control, and Communications). 4-D tactics. Long term strategy.

    We, the People of the United States, are woefully lacking in these things.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. You want Trump, you have him! Take the POS & start your favorite dictorship. Russia/Putin would help or go to south america, plenty of 3rd world type countries ripe for the picking. Here in USA, that’s a bigly no fxckin way.

  13. Got that right, Tim – no one has 5 pallets of ZZZZZ’s.
    Anonymous, been away visiting your home planet the last 5 years?
    Authoritarianism is what’s happening NOW, where was that with Trump?
    So many puppets.


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