Tucker: You don’t see this every day, in fact you never see it – IOTW Report

Tucker: You don’t see this every day, in fact you never see it

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host says Biden’s allies in government and media are starting to turn against him.

17 Comments on Tucker: You don’t see this every day, in fact you never see it

  1. I’m looking forward to eating extra crunchy raison bran cereal with a bagel and cream cheese as Biden core’s out and flips around like a marooned guppy as he bleeds out of his eyes, mouth and ass…..

  2. It is not just CNN that gets its marching orders from on high, it is the followers of the progressive movement from top down to the individual apologist. They can pivot on a dime and I have seen them hold a position that contradicts everything they have defended up until they got their morning briefing telling them that the position has changed. They don’t have any sense whatsoever that what they have become is beneath human dignity and are nothing but the proverbial “useful idiots.” They obviously have no self respect and what naturally follows is self hatred which the powers that be within the progressive movement exploit to the utmost.

    The whole progressive shitshow is nothing if not diabolically motivated. I have absolutely nothing but contempt for any of them. I despise them personally, not just the ideas they embrace. The mistake a lot of people make is allowing the left to conflate what they believe and promote with ideals that are laudable. They lie with impunity and have been conditioned to regurgitate the Party line since early childhood, but I still hold them accountable. The conditioning was so transparent that if I could recognize it in the second grade, they freely chose to become what they have turned themselves into.

  3. This whole play was written a long time ago. Joe Biden was used to gain the White House and now he is going to be swept aside as planned to make room for the most radical senator who ever served, Kamala Harris. She will be swept aside when she shows how inept she is. God only knows who will replace her. It’s all part of the plan to destroy American credibility and to plant the seed of hopelessness into the hearts of the American people. Today, your government banned the import of ammunition from Russia into the US and that has been done to make it even more difficult for civilians to acquire ammo. I hope you all have what you need because tough times are on the horizon.

  4. The truth of the matter is this; as incompetent and brain damaged as Biden is, Que Mala Harris is just as stupid and incompetent and just as big an embarrassment. Pelosi hasn’t had a cogent thought since the Carter administration and Schumer would need the script from yesterday’s Sesame Street explained to him slowly.

    One has to be a special sort of stupid to fall for socialist progressivism. These are the boneheads who fell for it.

  5. Don’t think that this—and the scamdemic—is the last of it. None of it came along by chance including Biden’s dumb-mentia act since a good part of his brain is functioning and alert enough to lie, scheme, cheat, and hide. The claimed ‘brain disease’ is merely an excuse to let him off the hook for multiples of failures.

  6. they knew about her father being a propaganda minister for somalia too
    all he had to do was change his name
    they knew that before she married her brother
    they knew that before he came into this country
    probably looking the other way at the time

    if anyone thinks they didn’t know that- how dumb do you think they really are?
    it is all orchestrated. they’re sophisticated.
    besides- ‘that was 4 or 5 days ago’

  7. Getting ready to either 25th amendment him or for the announcement he will be stepping down for health reasons.
    They don’t want Kommiela either but if they get rid of her next is Pelosi then Patrick Leahy and them Antony Blinken and them Lloyd Austin. UGH

  8. I still say Kakamala will go before Joey because TPTB don’t want her to be POTUS, and also don’t want Rancid Nan in the White House either.

    If the office of the VP is vacated first, then Joey (Joey’s handlers actually) get to nominate a replacement who, when confirmed by both houses of congress, becomes the new VP. THEN they can get rid of Joey.

    The mechanism will be the same as with Nixon, Agnew, and Ford.

    It will be interesting to see who TPTB picks for the Ford role.

    Reference Amendment XXV, §2: “2: Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”

  9. This was the plan all along: Get Biden (old, white, “moderate” man) elected by any means necessary as the front man for the shadow movers and shakers (Rice, Klein, Obama, etc.) and then invoke the 25th Amendment. Harris will be the next front person.

  10. When they get rid of Hiding Biden….Kackles becomes President….then a new VP has to be confirmed by a 50/50 Senate with no VP tie breaker…..if they don’t agree and confirm a VP…..and get rid of Kackles without a VP…..then it goes to The Speaker…..Pelosi by the succession protocol….

    If I remembered by Civics classes correctly.

  11. ^^^ if you game that scenario out- pelosi wrecks a new vp vote in the house, and becomes vp. Once in vp office, then pelosi ‘just happens to notice’ the ‘natural born’ clause….
    “why didn’t someone tell me about this?”

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