Tuckered – IOTW Report


AT: The word tuckered is taking on a whole new meaning with the advent of the new FOX News prime-time (9:00pm ET) hit featuring Tucker Carlson as host and interrogator nonpareil.  The show should probably carry a viewers’ warning that if you are disturbed by the sight of smug, smarmy liberals getting dissected live on camera, then perhaps you should just buck it up, bucko, for one viewing, and you will soon learn the pure joy of watching an accomplished and prepared professional at work.

Actually, squeamishness isn’t a widely recognized characteristic among those flocking to view the dissections if viewer numbers being reported are accurate.  In fact, according to The Hill, among others, Carlson has almost doubled the viewers in the key 25-54 demographic from the slot’s previous occupant, Megyn Kelly, now preparing her debut at NBC.

One of the most frequent criticisms conservatives voice regarding liberals is the dripping condescension with which they deign to engage their opponents in political discourse.  It’s like a directional speech defect – liberals don’t talk to, but rather talk down when speaking to conservatives, and if you possibly miss the scornful contempt in their word and tone, it’s usually accompanied by a visible backup cue, a knowing little smile of superiority that’s there to make it perfectly clear, bubba, that you are one dumb, misinformed, knuckle-dragging primitive.  That derisive smile is always there when they are listening, usually moving from side-to-side as the head is being shaken slightly to convey the sneering certainty that you’re just simply never going to get this, bumpkin.  It’s beyond your flag-worshiping, gun-loving, Bible-thumping flyover yokel comprehension.

…until they get Tuckered, in the new meaning of that word.  MORE

24 Comments on Tuckered

  1. That entire Third paragraph is the best, most literate and literal literature referencing msNBC and CNN I have personally ever read.

    I hope people forward that message. It is right on Target.

    “One of the most frequent criticisms…”

    Kudos. Well Done.

  2. I love the end of the segments when he thanks whomever he just ate for lunch for being on the show. The usual look on their faces, knowing they have just been owned on national T.V. is priceless.

  3. When Megyn Kelly started her evening show, she showed a willingness to dig into the hypocrisy of her guests. She showed some promise of being a good journalist.
    But then she got Trump derangement syndrome. Every night was another blast of “How can you tell your daughters that you voted for someone that said the p-word?” When she knew full well that the alternative was Hillary and the Perverted ex-President, and all the baggage they carry. The Fox audience hates her guts now.
    Then Fox got extremely lucky that Tucker came along and proved to be a ratings driver at just the right time. Even without Roger Ailes there to make the call, Fox had pretty much no choice but to stick Tucker in Kelly’s old spot.
    And evening TV is all the better for it, as Tucker skewers these righteous idiots, night after night. (Sometimes two a night.)

  4. Well, that was a most enjoyable read!! So true…love Tucker!

    And, not for nothing, but could I generalize that male conservatives are far more handsome than the lefties? I think so!

  5. Meyn is starting her NBC career with controversy.
    They’re taking the third hour of Today and giving it to her according to a story I read today. The staff of Today are pissed.

  6. It would be interesting to have guest Paul Ryan. Tucker could ask him about all those “repeal Obamacare votes” (60 times?) and how that squares with today’s GOP panic regarding the repeal.

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