Tuesday Night 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Call in #323 870-3371 – IOTW Report

Tuesday Night 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Call in #323 870-3371

Tuesday Night 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko

Call in #323 870-3371


* President Trump “Poll” numbers (The media should be embarrassed)
* Russia, Russia, Russia (Democrats should be embarrassed)
* Mueller (Trump haters should be embarrassed)
* Hillary – the election was stolen from me – yes, by the American people (Hillary should be embarrassed)
* Joe Biden (the DNC should be embarrassed)
* Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey (the F.B.I. should be embarrassed)
* Jim Acosta (CNN should be embarrassed)
* Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York should be embarrassed)
* Laura Loomer (Twitter and Facebook should be embarrassed)


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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50 Comments on Tuesday Night 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh?! Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Call in #323 870-3371

  1. Sure, because I have to be somewhere and I can’t listen or call…

    It’s a conspiracy put together by an evil cabal of libtards directly against me personally.

    Please first address these wonderful “POLLS” that are being formulated and I do mean formulated. Even our Bichon Frise/Terrier laughs at them.

    Will catch the replay…

  2. Last show:
    Mike mic sounded great.
    No Soundboard. Thank goodness.
    That was a listenable show.

    2nd to last show:
    Send out prizes. Srsly?
    Prizes? ‘Dude’, we aren’t 12.
    And we’re not giving you our addresses.
    And lose the soundboard. Srsly. ‘.’
    Has Pinko ever downloaded and listened to his own show?
    You BLOW listeners eardrums out. Ever heard that before?
    And the soundboard effects are actually tire flatteners.
    The lag and compression and missing mix minus are not ‘features’.
    On the other hand, Ya’ll are funny! No, not you Pinko. US. j/k
    We Own the World.

    Loves Ya All

  3. So there are about 20 or 22 diners as of now
    The Kids Table with Kids Tables
    They will dine and some try to dash with some cash
    But at the end of the race

    None of them will be the winner.


  4. Thanks for posting earlier today, Mr. Pinko. I think that helps everyone get on board. I didn’t get to Friday night’s broadcast (I was out). But listened Saturday morning and it was another great show.

  5. @TRF said, “Leftists are born without shame glands!”
    TRF Called the show’s focus before Mr. Pinko called the show’s theme, “Everyone should be embarrassed”. He/She deserves a prize!

  6. I have been on hold for 4 days! My dinner is cold.
    When is P. Trump going to pull the trigger on the left, and will he be embarrassed? No.
    The left is going to be reeling in the next months.
    Stay the course, all will be well.

  7. Mike, people who invoke the name of God, Jesus or the Bible better be careful. They are trying to make us believe that God approves of their views. God does not take lightly those who use his name in vain. The third commandment is not just about cussing. It’s misrepresenting the word and message of God to further an agenda that he does not support.

  8. Our system sez yer Innocent until proven guilty.
    Unless yer a Leftist.
    Then yer guilty for 2 1/2 years after yer elected, accused, investigated and nuthin turns up! Now THAT right there should be embarrassing, but it isn’t and they still continue on with the farce!
    And YES it is bigger than Watergate!

  9. Pinko July 13 and 14 is the meet up date.
    No answer from you on StreetLoc.
    Will look later,no need to answer on air.
    Take down my comment if you want.

  10. When you can’t win in fair competition, and yer argument can’t stand on its own merits, Totalitarianism looks pretty good!
    And the corollary to that is: Drag everybody down to your level of Suck in order to make yourself look better and win.
    That’s how a Leftist thinks.


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