Tulsi Gabbard calls MacAuliffe’s loss a victory for all Americans – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard calls MacAuliffe’s loss a victory for all Americans

MediaRightNews: Former U.S. Rep and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who is a Democrat, seems to be moving further right. Many, such as Tucker Carlson already liked her.

Others have said she’d need to be tougher on immigration and pro-gun to be welcomed on the right. Nevertheless, she is actually cheering that the Democrat nut job Terry McAuliffe lost in Virginia to now Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin.

“McAuliffe’s loss is a victory for all Americans. Why? Because it was a resounding rejection of efforts to divide us by race, the stripping of parental rights, and arrogant, deaf leaders. This benefits us all.” more

30 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard calls MacAuliffe’s loss a victory for all Americans

  1. She is probably the only honest Democrat in public life. Good for her- nothing wrong with good people who disagree. I don’t know what the current prescribe manner of death the Dems are dealing out for heresy but Tulsi it is coming your way.

    Had Tulsi flamed Hillary like she did Kamala she’d already be dead. Tragic mugging gone wrong or Epsteined herself type deal.

  2. I’ve never understood this love affair right-leaning people have with Gabbard. She holds views galaxies away from what a conservative would embrace; She supports universal income, making Roe bullet proof federally, implementing single payer (universal healthcare), she was a big Bernie backer and in Trump’s impeachment trial she voted “present”, saying ,”I could not in good conscience vote against impeachment because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing.”

    Tucker likes her because she is anti-neocon, and she has a somewhat sensible approach to a utilitarian style military presence thru out the world.

    It is not realistic or helpful to think that moderates (?) like Gabbard, Sinema or Manchin could be coaxed into turning red. Just because they are not converts of the more extreme aspects of progressives (fealty to Gaia, open borders, CRT, and blowing out deficits) does not make them small government liberty loving patriots.

  3. Let me give you a little clue why people are drawn to her. When she talks you don’t get the feeling someones blowing smoke up your ass. I don’t appreciate many of her political views and would never cast a vote for her. But she is someone that would engage in political debate and reach across the isle. She done it before. Compared to what we have right now most people consider her a breath of fresh air.
    And don’t kid yourself we, the right, have some real shitty politicians.

  4. PS

    Remember back, she cut her own throat with the Libtards during Obama’s first term when she flew over to Afghanistan and proved we were supplying weapons to terrorists. That took a certain amount of balls.

  5. @Brad

    “Compared to what we have right now most people consider her a breath of fresh air.”

    Is she a breath of pressure air because of the confidence she displays in asserting her wrong-headed views? She didn’t display much confidence in not taking a stand of Trump’s impeachment trial.

    I respect her for her service and yes, she is not on the more “crazy” spectrum of dems, but don’t hitch your wagon to this ,”wet finger, insert it in air to see which way the wind is blowing” politician. We can do better and deserve better.

  6. Rich

    ” She didn’t display much confidence in not taking a stand of Trump’s impeachment trial.”

    You mean like Tom Cotton who conspired with Turtle boy to stop any efforts of exposing voter fraud?

    My wagons not hitched, read what I wrote above. Now that she’s out of office she seems to be pointing people more our way than towards the Socialists. I’ll take the positive where I can find it.

  7. @Chuckie

    “Tulsi is Terrible but Redeemable on the Second Amendment”



    “I’ll take the positive where I can find it.”

    Aside from condemning a pretty awful candidate (McAuliffe) and going on Tucker asking for some integrity within our military, I’m not sure what other positives you are referring to. If she has had her “Road to Damascus” moment, some conservative epiphany I was not aware of and she is willing to fight on our side then she is more than welcome. But I have not seen any evidence of that yet.

  8. ‘I’ll take the positive where I can find it.’
    So true. If 0bama says something that I agree with – and he has (but his actions usually failed) – I am happy to repeat it. If DeSantis were to say something I vehemently disagree with (not so far) I would voice my disagreement. I have developed a high regard and degree of trust for certain people, particularly some on this site, but I will take any statement I agree with no matter who says it and will refute any statement I disagree with no matter who says it.

  9. TR
    Manchin-Gabbard would be a formidable ticket. The powers to be would never let it happen. Those two are as hated as any Conservative. The left will continue to move farther towards socialism and insanity despite what happened yesterday.

  10. Thanks Brad for the clip but I’m still not seeing the big attraction.

    She does not believe concerned parents should be treated like domestic terrorists, well no kidding, only a fascist authoritarian would. And she parrots the always popular ,”Put the American people first”, what the hell does that even mean? The same power structure that approved lock downs, mask and vaccine mandates could hide behind the phony facade of putting the people first by protecting them from the pandemic. Ditto with dis-arming the public, blow out spending, removing racist ID voting laws, killing the fossil fuel industry, and on and on, this all can be construed as actions that promote putting the American people first. It’s one big con.

    I will welcome Tulsi to the fold if she gives me something besides talking points, something tangible. Maybe she is moving right. I’m open to all conversions but she s not there yet.

  11. Rich

    I think what we are watching here is the suicide of the new Democratic party. There’s no room Gabbard, Manchin, Sinema. The old JFK Dems. So they will either need to form a new party or become more conservative in their views.

  12. She’s a loopy leftist who, like a blind pig, finds an acorn once in a while.

    Has a dysfunctional and ungrounded moral and cultural compass. No set of foundational principles very ad hoc and all over the place.

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