Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed as Trump’s Director of National Intelligence in Blow to Deep State.

23 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed

  1. Murkowski, Collins, Graham all voted aye. Fetterman did as his masters told him. McConnell voted no.
    I don’t know why Ted Cruz and Mike Lee waited until the very end.
    52-48. Good enough for me.

  2. Pray for her! She has been tasked with overseeing the rattiest rat’s nest a government ever invented. EIGHTEEN — count ’em — EIGHTEEN separate “intelligence” agencies. I pray and hope POTUS Trump’s team has a long, long list of MAGA-loyal men and women of high integrity, intelligence and wisdom at the ready to replace all the greasy rats who wish to make usurping Gabbard their “last stand” of defiance. And if they aren’t given the boot, they will.

    Her first order of business MUST be to clean house, otherwise her vocation will be a fool’s errand.

  3. @AbigailAdams — Gabbard’s office will be the clearinghouse and she’ll be the webmistress, so to speak.

    She, as DNI, has statutory authority to demand any/all compartmentalized intel data from all 18 of those silos.

    She, as DNI, has statutory authority to merge and correlate intel data never before allowed in the same silo with each other.

    She, as DNI, then has statutory authority to DECLASSIFY whatever she and President Trump want to show the nation.

    This will be very interesting. I hope it stays non-violent.

  4. Uncle Al — Yes, that’s my understanding. And that’s why I say pray for her. She better have A LOT of stamina. She’s already waded into the river and she can’t stop now until she’s on the other side of it.

    Revelations of intelligence/security wrong-doing will make USAID look like a gigantic nothing burger. My hope is that her authority over NSA will allow for forensic audit of every last communication amongst deep staters, including their burner phones. Am I dreaming?

  5. …I know this may seem like a ridiculous ask, but please pray, too, the legacy media suddenly grows a conscience and begins truthful reporting of this administration’s discoveries. We know we serve a mighty and righteous God who can make all things possible. Amen.

  6. Excellent for the Nation.
    Tulsi has a tremendous task with a subversive, abusive And dangerous Intelligence apparatus.
    She definitely needs the Prayers of the Nation and the finest security detail (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Special Forces with combat and personal protection experience).
    Nothing but the finest will do.

  7. Tulsi has a lot of friends. A lot of friends that you don’t want to make angry. If Thune is behind getting all of Trump’s people confirmed, I underestimated him. The Deep State butt is puckered this morning.

  8. This is getting very confusing to me. Trump also named Devin Nunes as the head of his newly-created “Intelligence Advisory Board”. I understand how Nunes fits into Trump’s plans, but what I don’t get is that Reince Preibus’s wife is also on the board (along with many others). I know Trump has a plan, but I wish he would send Miller out there to tell us why another intelligence advisory board is needed. Frankly, I don’t care if divulging details tips off the deep staters at this point.

  9. AA
    I did some poking around last night about the “Intelligence Advisory Board”. The White House press release is pretty vague. I did find this, These idividuals will advise the President on our nation’s most important security challenges and ensure that the Intelligence Community is working to advance the President’s America First agenda,”

    It almost sounds like a watch dog group over the NSA. I guess time will tell.

  10. BB — Reince Preibus’s wife? This, THIS, is what makes me queasy about just how filthy rotten politics and government are. You’d be a more qualified advisor to the president. Why do they keep recycling the same old careerists and their relatives? Is the bench that shallow that he has to go with Preibus’s wife?! He’d probably do better using all those “Front Row Joes” (including Wall Man) from his rallies.

  11. AA

    I have another thought. Yikes two in one day. Just based off of what you typed above, is this something shiny to keep the deep state pre occupied while Tulsi guts them from stem to stern? The only person on that board that seems to be serous is Nunes.

  12. Tulsa is the epitome of what feminists claimed they wanted a woman to become. But when it comes time for them to acknowledge it, they turn rabid on her

    It’s almost as if everything ever conjured up in the feminist mind was complete and total horseshit

    This is a revelation that just dawned on me. No, not really … I suspected it over 50 years ago when this pack of ultra matriarchal, hyper intellectual, childless hags from NYC started talking shit about the sort of woman my mother was


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