Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed to Speak at CPAC – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed to Speak at CPAC

h/t Brad

Breitbart: Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, former representative from Hawaii, will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week, American Conservative Union Chair Matt Schlapp announced on Monday.

The annual conference, taking place February 24-27 in Orlando, Florida, will have the former Democrat presidential candidate as one of its featured speakers this year. more

120 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed to Speak at CPAC

  1. What I would like to know is what is her end game?

    She clearly is NOT a conservative so why is CPAC giving her a platform? You have to have more on your resume than just thinking Biden is a big goof.

  2. Watching various video’s online going back several years, to me she seems more and more like an old-school, Constitutional (when it suits her), FDR Democrat with a pretty face and a great voice.

  3. Her end game is to broaden her political “viability.”
    She, like Kasich, Romney, Crenshaw, and a host of others are amoral opportunists who will take any position to advance themselves.
    She probably figures that after Biden, a painted rock would be a superior President, and she will position herself to take advantage of that – whether running for that office or “settling” for some other lucrative post.
    Think “triangulation.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. For the record, I would love to have Tulsi on our side so I could support her. She has a lot going for her and could be an attractive candidate.

    BUT………………..she has some serious baggage that she has yet to unload. Hating The Deep State, acknowledging that Biden has been just awful at everything, and not wanting to get involved in foreign wars is not enough. She needs to repudiate a number of her past positions on the issues and demonstrate that she has “evolved”, become red-pilled, and no longer embraces the progressive agenda that she got elected on.

    If she does these things I will give her a look.

  5. TRF

    I’m in your camp. It’s a game of numbers, providing there’s no cheating going on. She will sound one hell of a lot more Conservative the 90 percent of the rest of the participants.

  6. GOOD! 70 years ago a conservative, many times union president and I were conservative “D”. He would later be the best Gov Cal has ever had. When his party not only nominated; but elected a “Commie” he went to Norwalk and became a R.

  7. VP pick in 2026, he’ll be in an old folks home by then, she has absolutely no qualifications, no platform. What party does she support?
    Plenty of women with better qualifications than her & know where they stand on issues in life. You want a iffy girl, thats her.

  8. Brad, I’ve already gone over her shortcomings re: policy issues in other Tulsi threads.

    Her positions on the 2nd Amendment, universal healthcare, having the rich pay their “fair share”, cash bail, climate change, funding Planned Parenthood, abortion, amnesty, all straight out of the progressive handbook.

    And when pushed to a position on Trump’s impeachment, she voted “present” saying,“because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing,”. Of course, she could not tell us what exactly he did wrong, equivocating with censor nonsense such as, “send a strong message to this President and future presidents that their abuses of power will not go unchecked.”

    She is redeemable, no doubt, but some mea-culpa’s are required.

  9. Seriously, why should she speak at CPAC? They don’t let conservatives speak at liberal colleges/universities and why don’t we make sure Spotify takes Joe Rogan down–he isn’t conservative is he? Hell no, I demand to live in a world where I can only hear conservative voices and they had better be pure. After all, everyone who might hear her is a moron and wouldn’t be able to discern what she really is about. Wait, I’ll be right back because I have to run because my hair is on fire.

  10. “She’s as deep state as it gets. Fools taken in by a smile. She will turn on you like a rabid dog.”

    You need to change your name to Stupid White Man.”

    You should have just seen her on Tucker.

  11. She is now on Tucker. Foxnews sure does love Tulsi.

    This is reminiscent of a few years back when CNN and MSNBC could not get enough of Michael Avenatti. Once a media personality says something bad about a person you don’t like, he is now your BFF. Give him non-stop media coverage because he is doing your dirty work for you.

  12. Please don’t tell Brad’s wife! Brad has a school boy crush on her bigly time. His wife, Brad honey, why are there pictures of Tulsi Gabbard on the ceiling over our bed?

  13. I’m done with this thread. You Purists stick with Miss Lindsey, Romney, Collins, Crenshaw, MIC COWSKY, Turtle Boy, Etc, Etc, Etc. Remove the D from behind her name and the R behind theirs, and she looks like Ronald Fucking Ray Gun. And the deal is, she never changes her tune. Her message has been consistent since the day she Filleted our Vice President on National TV.

  14. Here we go, keyboard tough guy Brad flexing.
    We could have a battle of wits but you came unarmed.
    I did see her on Tucker and she’s a worthless POS.
    Stop jacking it to her you stupid little fuck.

  15. Brad, everything she said on Tucker I agree with. Did you think otherwise? I just thought it was funny that Foxnews is giving her the M.A. treatment because she is critical of Biden, she is useful to them, for now.

  16. Easy to see why Biden didn’t choose her to be his VP. She would have shown him to be the inept, senile and incompetent buffoon that he is. Much safer to choose a babbling idiot like Harris! Tulsi is still far to liberal for my taste, but she IS intelligent, patriotic and competent!

  17. The trouble with Tulsi Gabbard is that she is getting a lot of air time lately. Compared to all the other donkeys, she is saying things that even some elephants wouldn’t say and she looks and sounds good doing it. What she has to do to win me over for instance, is to look back on her liberal views and admit she’s made some mistakes. Then when it comes to the WEF and Klaus Schwab she needs to publicly bow out from that line of thinking and destroy everyone involved with that one world, slavery of the free people, socialist/communist agenda. If she did that I could be a supporter.

  18. My aching head. Let me try and explain this for you Short Bus students. Gabbard illustrates the big problem with the people we elect. And that is why she has value at CPAC. Fuck Me, Good Night.

  19. “Like arguing with a child. I didn’t like you ten years ago and I don’t like you now. What happened to Bad Brad, too much to type?”

    Then step up bitch. No, that won’t happen will it? Why? Because you’re just another pussy.

    PS. Do you really think I could give a fuck whether you like me or not? If you’ve known me for ten years you know the pile of losers I’ve left in my wake. Keep hiding behind that key board bud.

  20. Tulsi is ANTI AMERICAN. I don’t give a rats ass that she served in the military, that’s not an indicator of patriotism in and of itself, there’s lots of commies in the military, just look at the state of it now.

  21. @ Tim

    “She probably figures that after Biden, a painted rock would be a superior President,”

    If that’s what she thinks, then she holds at least one opinion I can agree with.

    @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 22, 2022 AT 6:58 PM

    “VP pick in 2026, he’ll be in an old folks home by then, she has absolutely no qualifications, no platform”

    So you’re saying she could replace Kommiela if she had black skin!

  22. I Am The Evil White Man

    Get specific. There’s tons of footage on this woman. Give us an example. Maybe it was the time she flew over to Afghanistan during the Obamanations first term with a team and proved our Government was providing arms to the very terrorists that were shooting at us. That when she caught my attention. You don’t have any facts, only opinions, You blow that shit out of your ass like a normal person would after eating bad Mex. Weak shit mother fucker. Provide some links, some documentation. Quit running that highly lubed mouth with no fucking proof pussy.

  23. I was looking at the speakers for this year’s CPAC event. Trump will be speaking and one of my favorites, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida. Once DeSantis moves into the WH I really hope Byron runs for governor.

    I’m gonna try to catch Tulsi’s speech. I don’t think she will get booed, conservatives are too polite. but I still would like to know what she’s up to.

  24. I Am The Evil White Man
    “Tough guy.
    Post your address so I can come see how bad you’re not.”

    Nah, I have a family and you sound like just north of Ted Bundy. However, the link below is real close to my place of business. It’s an MMA Gold Gym. Cool place. Very large wrestling mats, two huge boxing wrings. Show up there, every one there knows me, ask them to call me. It’ll take me 2 minutes to get there. Lets see who’s a man. I fucking dare you. I fucking double dare you. Shut up or put up. I can take a beating like a man, if you’re man enough. Hasn’t happened yet. Show The Fuck Up or You’re A Pussy.


    PS. I’m going to hurt you bad.

  25. Brad, you need either more or less booze in your diet.

    Why do you let these people get under your skin?

    Also….I….I don’t really know who Tulsi Gabbard is.

  26. That Fucking Pussy Evil White Man has been posting about every 57 seconds, and now the little wheel chair bound pussy disappears? I gave him the location, WTF tough guy. Tic Toc, I will provide an update on how long it takes you to show up. He mentioned he’s known me for ten years and I finally remembered him. His sister use to suck dick for free. Learned it from his mom. Let’s DO THIS BITCH.

  27. I Am The Evil White Man
    NO N NO NO, you fucking pussy. Do you need money to get here? Wheel chair assistance to the loading gate? Fuck you, be a man. You fucking ran you pussy mouh and challenged me. I’ll pay to get you here, but I’m not paying to get your corpse back. Do It. I’m confident in my ability. Sounds like your fading. I’ve already notified Urban Sprawl. They laughed but that’s beside the point. I’m a big pussy, do this, you made the challenge, are you a man or not. I would respect you if you show up. But you won’t.

  28. I’m willing to give her the benefit of doubt. She is an Army Officer and she did deploy to Iraq. Perhaps she has a Red Pill in her right hand and is ready to swallow it.

    I remember a GREAT American who started out with a D behind his name and went on to be President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Some people grow up even after turning 40

  29. BENITO
    Probably right. Might be Willy. It would be like a big present if this ass hole actually showed up. Just another cowardly sniper. I’m a slow learner, these assholes do get under my skin. Thanks for talking me off the ledge. I recognize you as a capable man. Ab Boy. LOL

  30. Burr,
    Yea unfortunately it has nothing to do with alcohol yet brother. I just started drinking. I just hate the fuck out of key board warriors and their freaking insults. I know, Stupid.

  31. Hmmm. In order to reach a state of Zen….. try drinking every time something irritates you.

    Crap TV? do a shot.
    Keyboard warrior? shot.
    Bang your shin? another shot.

    My thinking is this: you’ll either get plastered, get mellow, or….or….the sudden repetitive alcohol buzzes may act in a semi Pavlovian way. You become aware of the excessive drinking and reduce both your alcohol intake as well as reducing your rageahol intake.

    In any event, something interesting is bound to happen.

  32. “Let me guess, you’re either drinking a grasshopper or a chocolate martini.”

    So do these petty insults mean you’re to cowardly to show up at the gym address provided? I will update everyone here daily as to your arrival date.

  33. No not Chuckie.
    The cowards are the ones who threaten people from 2000 miles away.
    I’ve experienced it many times, the guy is a whimpering POS up close but turns into a mouthy POS when he’s 100 feet away.

  34. Brad: it ain’t Willygoatsgruff….Just come to the realization that many folks here get tired of your blathering ignorance…just shut up for awhile….your a nuisance….

  35. You nevah see Wok Hay on Zooom cahrrl?

    We need zoom caahhrrwl. Prenty fun for hoe famary.

    Whiy peepuu rove zoom cahrrl. Beep boop wing wing, “HERRO!?!? I CAHHRL FOR WOK HAY. Is Wok Hay home?”


    Then erry body raugh. It good time.

  36. Fucks sake. We used to quote Soffeclees and You-rippa-dees.

    Now we have Christopher Lee stuck in a briar patch. One would think a 500 year old vampire had enough sense to not get stuck in a briar patch.

  37. “We all want plane tickets, get a piece Brad, aka, you wanna piece of me. This is good, gone for a few minutes, shit hits the fan. Where do we apply for tickets?”
    LOL. Do you have someone to wheel you up the wheel chair ramp to fly out here and get killed? To funny. All the tuff guys are out. Let’s get it on. Pretty easy, I explained how and where. I’ll report to the IOTW community if there’s any of these fucking key board warriors that actually show up.
    Again, here’s the place.

    Just to make it fair,I will fight “I Am The Evil White Man” and the last pussy anon at he same time.

    Bwaaaaaaaah, stop fucking typing and start fighting you worthless excuses for men. “The Truth Shall Set You Free”. Or embarrass the hell out of your weak ass.
    Here’s your theme song. However I’m not like that, Fags


  38. I gotta’ put Wok Hay back in his lil’ rockin’ chair. He usually only stays up late enough to help with homework and put the kids to bed.

    Astonishing bit of psychology. Kids who whine at my voice asking them to do homework are frikken’ HAPPY to do whatever Wok Hay says.

    But we should do another zoom call. People like the lil’ guy.

  39. I Am The Evil White Man

    You wanted a place to meet to fight me. I gave that to you. And now you’re running amuck on other worthless shit. Long day, I’m tired. Your pussy ass showing up? Yes or no?

  40. Was it this post? or another?….PHenry was saying that BFH is pretty sick (god bless him and his wellness) and Brad wants to type about fighting 2/3rds of the current commentators….Just shut up Brad and pray that BFH gets well so your idiotic comments don’t harm the best website on the internet as BFH intended….Be well BFH. I apologize for any involvement on my part.

  41. “MAKE ME?….MAKE ME? what are you saying?….fighting over marbles in a 4th grade marble match?….You need help….”

    Are you really telling me you don’t know how this works? You’ve made demands of me. I refuse. What’s left? I’m starting to see your problem here pal. Looks like you have a new mental case friend. You two enjoy.

  42. Isaiah 41:10: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

  43. Gracious God, let us ask you to guide [friend’s name] back to health. They have suffered greatly and need your salvation. Please lay your hands on them and grant them a speedy recovery. Amen.

  44. Our Father, we humbly ask for your healing hand. You know the pain they’ve carried as we do. They are sore and sick. May you use your almighty power to nurse them back to good health so that they may find themselves once more. Lord, we have read of your many wonders, and we beg of you another. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  45. Dear God, we ask that you inspire hope in us during this trying time. Our spirits have waned, and we are feeling heavy. We ask you now for the wisdom and peace to carry on. Please, give us the gift of a replenished spirit and guide us to have hope through our trials. May our dear friend get well soon. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

  46. Dear Lord, we come to you today to ask for relief from pain. Our dear friend is having a hard time and hurting greatly, and we wish to ask for your mercy. Please grant BFH relief from their burdens and bless them with a good night’s rest. O Lord, we thank you for the blessing of wellness. Amen.

  47. And last but not least.
    Lord, I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to salvation in Jesus Christ, and so I bring all those people in my life that have sought to do me evil or inflicted harm on me, whether intentionally or unwittingly, to Your merciful throne of grace to plead forgiveness and to ask mercy on their souls.
    And forgive me for intentionally provoking Brad.
    In Jesus name Amen



    Hopefully not. He’s not someone you want to habitually piss off.
    But we’re here for ya’ buddy.

    Eat that garlic. Get better.


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