She’s coming for ya, Liz! Better go grab a beer and a dream catcher.
Gabbard: ‘Haven’t Seen Much’ Evidence Warren Is Prepared to Be President.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) has seen little evidence that fellow presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is prepared to be commander in chief, she said Thursday on Hill.TV’s Rising.
“I haven’t seen much come from her in the way of what kind of leadership and decision-making that she would bring to that most important responsibility of the president has as commander in chief,” Gabbard told Rising host Krystal Ball. “And just as a soldier and an American that’s very concerning for me.”
Ball asked Gabbard if she thought Warren was prepared to be commander in chief on Thursday, just two days after Gabbard qualified for the October Democratic debate.
Gabbard added voters will ask all the presidential candidates about their preparedness and experience when it comes to foreign policy. She questioned Warren’s readiness to handle such issues given the former Harvard law professor’s focus on domestic issues. more
Crafty DNC bastards
Doesn’t matter in the least to their voters. All they care about are their gibs…
having lived in Hawaii for 11 years, I have been able to follow Tulsi’s political career. one of my best friends even had a meeting with her a few years back before an election, and while he was impressed with her after the meeting, she did not follow up on the things they spoke about. (details are unimportant) I personally am not a huge fan of Tulsi, but that said she is leaps and bounds better than the authoritarians, communists, and geezers that the DNC is putting forward.
All monkeys care about is a steady supply of bananas.
Aim low, Tulsi, she’s riding a shetland!
The other day Gabbard joined the “Blame America” club of the left-wing by calling the Saudi drone attack “retaliation” for us placing crippling sanctions on the Iranian regime;
She is unique in that if she did get the nomination she would be the only one to move left. But she genuinely loves her country, also unique in her party.
Hey Lizzy,
Study the Signs. Smoke Signals below the Waterline. Kitchen Sinks.
I can’t decide if President Elect Elizabeth Warren will be able to fill those big clown shoes that the other President Elect didn’t get to tromp through the White House in as the most qualified person to ever run for anything in the history of this country. Warren doesn’t have but a tiny fraction of Clinton’s resume. Where was she when Hillary was managing that Benghazi imbroglio? How did she help with that Russian reset? Did Liz set the stage for that Libyan makeover? However, it’s great hearing someone faintly rational pointing out that Lizzie Warren hasn’t got what it takes to take what Trump already has.
You’re much more effective when you don’t telegraph your punches, Tulsi. Now I’m wondering is this isn’t a purposeful heads-up to Warren so she won’t look like a flustered granny. She’s all the Dems have when Biden drops out.
Zero executive experience.
Tulsi may be the best pick in the litter. She’s certainly the best looking.
Lizzie in a Tizzie gave us the Consumer Protection farce. Disqualifies her right there.
From 0bola to Liawatha….
this is what ALL democrats think of our country. (they deeply hate it)
And you should hate each and every one of them for that.
How do you like your Socialism?
(a) With a sour-puss, anal grandma.
(b) With an brain-dead, plagiarist corruptocrat.
(c) With a bat-shit crazy, old Hippie.
(d) With a pretty face in a high school popularity contest.
Jimmy, well said. I know a pretty face is pleasing. It’s what’s behind it that worries me.
Hey tulsi – if you are still interested in the job in 2024, let’s discuss it then. At any rate, she would be better than cowbell though.
Lizzy got excited because she thought Tulsi was coming after her pelt.
Tulsi Gabbard should be the most feared opponent to President Trump.
It’s going to be TWO women running against Trump.
Warren / Harris
Gabbard / Warren
Nag and Nagger.
Jimmy, but it’s DEMOCRATIC socialism. You know, democratic misery. Just hang on to your guns because with socialism, you vote your way in and have to shoot your way out.
Racer X, I was ready last night to go there. No, not regarding ‘democratic misery,’ but a detailed discussion of strategy and tactics regarding the other topic.
I agree with @Mr_Pinko. It’s going to be a double glass ceiling with Hillary in a mirror.
Gabbard may wear less clown make up and chauffeurs the clown car sometimes, but she’s still a leftist hack. It is fun to watch her take down fellow Demwits leading in the polls.
Tulsi is proving she is not so smart. She was standing out as a socialist with principles by not supporting the impeachment inquiry, now she has decided she is for it. She had her chance, now she is just a socialist following orders.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 AT 10:08 AM
“Aim low, Tulsi, she’s riding a shetland!'”
…she’s not the ONLY one…