Tulsi owns Kamala and it’s Russia’s fault!!!!! – IOTW Report

Tulsi owns Kamala and it’s Russia’s fault!!!!!

Patriot Retort:

Last night, Tulsi Gabbard deservedly dragged Kamala Harris over her atrocious record as a prosecutor.

It is probably the most-watched moment of the debate, next to Kirsten Gillibrand saying she already defeated Trump and Joe’s bizarre “Go to Joe 30330.”

Tulsi is a radical nut-job to be sure, but even I found her takedown of not-ready-for-primetime Kamala Harris quite satisfying.

Here’s a video montage of the takedown. While you watch it focus on Kamala’s body language. Tulsi got some body-blows in and at some points, Kamala is actually physically flinching. more here

13 Comments on Tulsi owns Kamala and it’s Russia’s fault!!!!!

  1. OK, I’m a bit confused. Tucker fawns all over Gabbard on his show (Barry White playing in the background, witty repartee exchanged, the only thing left is Tucker lighting up a smoke and asking if it was good for her as well), and even some here have expressed some positives on her candidacy. Is it that, compared to the rest of the Bolsheviks on stage next to her, she is just moderately insane, just one zip code to the left of Obama and not 3 time zones left like the rest of the pack?

    Yeah, she gets major props for serving in the military and she is OK looking, so is Kyrsten Sinema, but that doesn’t mean she should be casting votes that affect real people, and certainly not running the country.

  2. If the choice were between Mooch and Tulsi next November, you might change your tune.

    The Deep State claiming Gabbard is Russia’s choice will only help her surf across the South Lawn.

  3. That was a WWE takedown and the winner – President Trump. It was a unique match between two villians – Gabbard & Harris. Note her reward, Gabbard is now a target of leftist media. Love it when the left destroy their own.

  4. The problem for all the dem candidates particularly the top picks is they are never challenged and are protected by the media. What is going to happen to these snowflakes when they have to debate Trump. Not the first time Kamala has been rocked either. She had the same look when she was put on the spot about Smollett. How dare anyone ask one of the chosen ones a serious question.

  5. Nobody asked, but here’s what I think. 😀

    Tulsi realizes she has to be the top bitch.
    Forget the men, forget even Biden right now.
    One of those women (excluding Butticheeks) has to end the other women before the next debate.


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