Turkey arrests 62 schoolchildren for Treason – IOTW Report

Turkey arrests 62 schoolchildren for Treason

TheSun: Before the coup attempt last week, the pupils, aged between 14 and 17, were made to dress up in camouflage and were handed guns with empty magazines, according to their lawyers.

The children have been taken to prison and not allowed to speak to their parents as they were accused of treason against the Turkish State.

The mum of a 15-year-old boy caught up in the arrest, Emre, while waiting for news outside Istanbul’s Maltepe Prison said: “Our child has never held a gun before.

“They were used, they were forced to do this.”  more

7 Comments on Turkey arrests 62 schoolchildren for Treason

  1. Probably Gulenist school kids…

    “Turkey’s president has signed a decree that allows for the extension of the pre-charge detention period and the closure of institutions linked to Fethullah Gülen, the exiled cleric blamed for masterminding last weekend’s failed military coup.

    According to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s office, the decree will close 1,043 private schools, 1,229 foundations and associations, 35 medical institutions, 19 unions, and 15 universities. Their assets will be seized by the treasury. The presidency said that parliament will be able to vote on the measure.”


    It’s like the Iran-Iraq war to me. I just want to see both sides hammer each other. But I would also like to see the Gulenist schools in the US closed down, and Gulen deported to Turkey. I know Obama will never do it, but maybe Trump will.

  2. Turkey … NATO … yea …
    Horse Face says refrigeration units are a bigger threat than Islamic terror. The Commie in chief says Trump’s speeches are a recruiting tool for terrorists.

    I’m willing to hang a dead terrorists in my window, but I prefer the air conditioners.

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