Turkey Coordinates With Russia And Ukraine For Ukrainian Grain Exports – IOTW Report

Turkey Coordinates With Russia And Ukraine For Ukrainian Grain Exports

Cyprus Media Net:
Turkey is co-ordinating closely with Russia and Ukraine to agree on a plan to resume grain exports from Ukrainian ports despite clashes raging elsewhere in the country, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said today.

The UN-sponsored plan will pave the way for a safe shipping corridor to address the global food crisis triggered by the Russian invasion in February, which has halted Ukrainian grain exports across the Black Sea.

Akar said the four sides were considering how to clear mines outside the port of Odessa and elsewhere along the Ukrainian coast, who would clear them and who would be responsible for protecting the corridor. more

3 Comments on Turkey Coordinates With Russia And Ukraine For Ukrainian Grain Exports

  1. Winter wheat is knee deep with about a month to go near Kherson , last I heard Ukraine didn’t map out the minefields , tough job to fix but doable , hope the grain makes it out and to the MENA countries that need it . This is last years harvest , needs to move to market to have storage for upcoming harvest . Z and P need to meet “without chaperones” and hammer out a deal , like now .

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