Turkey: Over 50,000 Arrested, Suspended, or Fired over Coup Attempt – IOTW Report

Turkey: Over 50,000 Arrested, Suspended, or Fired over Coup Attempt

Breitbart: Turkey’s government has filed charges against 99 generals and admirals in connection with the military coup last weekend, bringing the total number of people arrested, fired, or suspended to over 50,000.

Some of Turkey’s soldiers involved in the coup are essentially claiming to have been duped, attacking Erdogan’s vacation hotel on Friday because they were told an “important terrorist leader” was the target.

The BBC notes that almost a third of Turkey’s top military officers are charged with participating in the coup, and the purge probably isn’t over yet, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan contemplates further “emergency measures.”

Among those measures was a scramble of Turkish F-16 fighter jets, reportedly to intercept two Turkish coast guard vessels that were seeking escape to Greek waters.  more here

11 Comments on Turkey: Over 50,000 Arrested, Suspended, or Fired over Coup Attempt

  1. The trenches were dug before the “coup” was even started.
    There’s no room for Christian, secular or moderate thought in Turkey.
    You are to be chastised, raped and murdered, and you’ll like it.
    That’s the islamic way and has been since mohammad made himself the prophet of satan.

  2. What’s next? Commit another genocide? Well, they already slaughtered the Armenians in a genocide 100 years ago. I reckon the Turks will just have to slaughter somebody handy, like the Kurds.

  3. “almost a third of Turkey’s top military officers are charged with participating in the coup, and the purge probably isn’t over yet”

    he should have taken notes from obama and done it only a few officers at a time like he did. and no one would notice.

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