Turkey Sentences Wall Street Journal Reporter To 25 Months In Prison – IOTW Report

Turkey Sentences Wall Street Journal Reporter To 25 Months In Prison


[…] Months after Albayrak’s article was published, she was summoned to a police station in Istanbul, where she was being investigated for spreading terrorist propaganda. She was indicted in April 2016.

Albayrak, who is currently in New York, plans to appeal her conviction.

Turkey Sentences Wall Street Journal Reporter To 25 Months In Prison

8 Comments on Turkey Sentences Wall Street Journal Reporter To 25 Months In Prison

  1. THIS is what it might take to wake up the Leftist Propaganda/Media Machine.


    Turkey is our islamic enemy.
    WSJ is our Trojan Horse internal enemy.
    In that sense, it’s a “wash.”

  2. I have an idea: next time the Tyrant of Turkey comes to visit the US, we tell Antifa rioters that Erdogan voted for Trump or some shit like that and have them show up at the Turkish Embassy. Then we can watch Erdogan’s goons beat the ever living shit outta the Antifa rioters. Yay!

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