Turkey targets building contractors as earthquake death toll passes 33K – IOTW Report

Turkey targets building contractors as earthquake death toll passes 33K

JTN: Turkey is investigating more than 130 building contractors allegedly involved in shoddy construction after earthquakes in the region caused thousands of buildings to collapse while the death toll from the disaster surpassed 33,000 on Sunday.

Rescuers are combing through rubble after the death toll from Monday’s earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria hit 33,179 on Sunday, according to the Associated Press. The death toll is expected to rise as the chances of finding survivors diminishes by the hour. 

Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said 134 people are being investigated for their alleged involvement in construction that failed to withstand the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that was followed by more than 2,000 aftershocks, according to Turkey’s emergency agency.

Three people have been arrested pending trial and seven were detained while another seven were prohibited from leaving Turkey, Bozdag said Sunday. More

8 Comments on Turkey targets building contractors as earthquake death toll passes 33K

  1. Traveled all through Turkey in the 90s. Couldn’t believe the living conditions for such an old established country, most people lived in rubble or had holes in the walls. the most amazing holes were in the walls where female soldiers took showers, because the water was so bad in the field we couldn’t use shower tents. They bussed us downtown from the stick farms (cotton) for showers in the evening.

    Apparently they don’t care about quality despite enormous natural resources. They did take Roman and Greek ruins to build their mosques tho. Those won’t fall down.

  2. After the quake, everyone wants a building that will be earthquake proof?? And I’m sure for the same prices of shoddy construction. There’s a obvious reason you don’t see single family homes in Europe. Not enough money. I’d hate to be anyone connected to central planning over there. Pitch fork time.

  3. Oh, sure. They’ll sell a few sticks of rebar now and then but this will blow over and things will go back the way they were. The construction sector in Turkey is systemically corrupt. That cannot be turned around no matter how many citizens die in earthquakes. Those people are all inbred. Don’t get your hopes up.

  4. The US government wants us to all live in concrete apartments stacked on top of each other. My wife grew up in the USSR like that. The government decides when to turn on the heat to every building each winter. You have no say. They turn off the heat every spring when they decide it’s time, even if there is snow on the ground. The Democrats want to have this control over people.


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