Turkish Government Pays Left-Wing Group $50K To Do Its Political Dirty Work – IOTW Report

Turkish Government Pays Left-Wing Group $50K To Do Its Political Dirty Work


Howie Carr: The Turkish government has paid a union-backed left-wing activist group in Ohio nearly $50,000 over the past 10 months as part of a influence campaign aimed at undermining a network of charter schools operating in the Buckeye State.

But while the activist group, Progress Ohio, opposes charter schools on principle, the Turks have no particular opposition to the movement. Instead, the Turkish government hopes to cut off financial support for Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in self-exile in the U.S.

To do that, the Turkish government has hired Amsterdam & Partners, a London-based law firm that has offices in Washington, D.C., to conduct research and media outreach on charter schools operated by supporters of Gulen.

With a $50,000-a-month budget from the Turkish government, Amsterdam & Partners has hired a stable of lobbyists, consultants, media companies and advocacy groups to help undermine the schools, which are estimated to number more than 150 across the U.S.  read more

7 Comments on Turkish Government Pays Left-Wing Group $50K To Do Its Political Dirty Work

  1. Time to move the nukes back to the states from Turkey and work out a replacement for Incirlik Air Base and a replacement for Turkey in NATO. Then cut off all replacement military parts for US equiptment. Then if the military doesn’t rise up in a coup against this Caliph wannabe then start supplying the Turkish Kurds. Oh, and start making it extremely difficult for Amsterdam and Partners to do business in the US.

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