Turley: How A Snap Impeachment Could Shatter Our Constitutional Balance – IOTW Report

Turley: How A Snap Impeachment Could Shatter Our Constitutional Balance

Jonathan Turley.org:

Below is my column in the Hill newspaper on my concerns over the planned “snap impeachment” this year.  In my view, impeaching on the speech alone would raise serious concerns over the use of impeachment in the future. Many Democrats, including members of Congress, refused to accept Trump as the legitimate president when he was elected and refused to do so as rioting broke out at the inauguration.  Many of the same members have used the same type of rhetoric to “take back the country” and “fight for the country.”  The concern is that this impeachment will not only create precedent for an expedited pathway of “snap impeachments” but allow future Congresses to impeach presidents for actions of their supporters.  The point of this column is to call for greater caution and deliberation before we take this step to consider the basis and implications of this impeachment.  As with the calls to use the 25th Amendment, there are real dangers to any opportunistic or hurried use of this option.  There is also the alternative of a joint and bipartisan condemnation of both houses, which would be both justified and unassailable.

As I have said, there could be evidence to support impeachment on the proposed incitement article but it would have to be found before or after the speech to show an intent to spark rioting or to allow it to continue.  As with the 25th Amendment claim, such evidence would be found from within the White House and through a traditional impeachment inquiry.

Here is the column:

Author Franz Kafka once wrote, “My guiding principle is this: Guilt is never to be doubted.” Congressional Democrats appear close to adopting that Kafkaesque standard into the Constitution as they prepare for a second impeachment of President Trump. In seeking his removal for “incitement,” Democrats would gut not only the impeachment standard but free speech, all in a mad rush to remove Trump just days before the end of his term.

Democrats are seeking to remove Trump on the basis of his speech to supporters before the Jan. 6 rioting at the U.S. Capitol. Like many, I condemned that speech as it was still being given, calling it reckless and wrong. I also opposed the challenges to electoral votes in Congress. However, Trump’s speech does not meet the definition of incitement under the U.S. criminal code. Indeed, it would be considered protected speech by the Supreme Court. more here

27 Comments on Turley: How A Snap Impeachment Could Shatter Our Constitutional Balance

  1. I’m sorry, but are you still laboring under the misbegotten notion that we still live under an honest government that respects the rule of law and the constitution?

    How last Tuesday is that? We now endure a criminal aristocracy. We are totally….

  2. The charge of impeachment is all show by Democrats. It’s a hollow threat that the Senate wont be able to vote on. It’s just fodder for the Main Stream media.

  3. Yeah, the last impeachment everyone voted party line and regardless of evidence presented. They don’t even need to bother with an argument except to have something in the file.
    And they have the majority in the House so they can impeach again if they want.
    And they don’t have 2/3 in the Senate (even including Mittens and Collins) so it will go nowhere.

  4. “In my view, impeaching on the speech alone would raise serious concerns over the use of impeachment in the future”

    WELL, DUH!!!


  5. Yeah…..thought you might want a head-ups before all the county assessor stuff hits your mailbox….

    Turns out DANCO™ just purchased a few thousand acres near Boulder…..

  6. I’m reading through, but on a Zoom meeting with church peeps.
    Ron Popeil lived a few blocks away! Used some local kids in his ads. And Grizzly Adams’ (Dan Hagerty’s) daughter was in my class!
    More comments to come. DanCo Heavy Industries…

  7. Nobody will listen to this guy. It doesn’t matter. With 9 days left how could they make impeachment work anyway?

    The dumpos, some military, Soros, DC police, FBI, CIA and other bad people are likely working on more permanent solutions than impeachment.

    Trump is a tragic figure. I feel really bad about everything right now.

  8. Our Constitutional Balance?

    Our what? The days of checks and balances & all that blather about 3 branches of Government overseeing each are so passe’, so yesterday, so Civics classes.

    Now it’s important our children are allowed pick from a basket of gender options and are gassed 24/7 with Critical Race Theory.

  9. The “Constitutional Balance” was eviscerated by the 17th Amendment.
    Turley’s about a century too late.
    We’ve become Rome about AD 300 – assailed on all sides and managed by corrupt maggots.

    Like France (and Europe in general), we’ll pretend to greatness – looking down our noses at the rest of the World while extending our begging bowl – hoping the chinks, at least, will drop in a few grains of rice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Don’t talk to us about impeachment of censure until you’ve contained that rabid snarling animal Pelosi who’s done more to insight violence than any other shitbag up there.

  11. I won’t count Trump out until he say’s he’s finished.
    He’s going to be our President and Joe will be in jail. Just wait and see.
    As for Turley, most of his articles align with Democrats. He seems to think we don’t notice.

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