Turns out the residents of Braddock, PA hate Fetterman – IOTW Report

Turns out the residents of Braddock, PA hate Fetterman

Townhall’s @MiaCathell went to Braddock, PA. She spoke to residents and the mayor who succeeded John Fetterman. They literally all hate him. WATCH

9 Comments on Turns out the residents of Braddock, PA hate Fetterman

  1. The totalitarian democRATz are fronting people who are subservient to the party.
    They don’t want smart, independent thinkers or someone who represents the people.
    They want someone who represents the party and will mindlessly vote in lockstep with the party

  2. I am re-reading “Fahrenheit 451” which was first published in 1951, a year before my birth. Ray Bradbury was so prescient! He predicted large screen television (whole walls of them), reality TV which dumbs down the populace, no one bothers to read anymore and there is a back and forth between the “ins” and the “outs” in politics. He even references the year 2022 as the start of the atomic wars.
    My father introduced me to science fiction in 1965 when I turned 13.

  3. I’m reimagining demented Dementiacrats. Fetterman deserves to live in Braddock. He should be forced to life among the people he’s ignored for years, but he’s headed for a place on Mourning Joe with Mika acting as his translator. What a gift!

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