DownTrend: Last night the cast of the Broadway hit Hamilton accused Vice President-elect Mike Pence of a being a racist homophobic man who will destroy the planet and they will probably get a special Tony award for it. In Houston this week a local news anchorwoman was fired because she made some true critical observations about current president Barack Obama.
The NY Daily News reports that KRIV has fired news anchor Scarlett Fakhar for a now-deleted personal FaceBook post where she told it like it is concerning Obama dividing the country.
In response to all of the liberal crybabies complaining about Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, Fakhar wrote that she was, “happy and relieved.”
“I prayed for the best leader that will turn this country that has become more violent and racist under the Obama administration than ever…into the country I once knew,” wrote Fakhar.
“Want to talk about going down hill? Look what Obama has done…how he was made the entire country hate one another. Were you happy with how many people were killing each other in our own country? I work in news…and I hate to say it…but the number of African Americans killing one another far outweighs the number of them being killed by whites,” she continued.
Business as usual. Hypocrites running the entertainment/media industry.
Nothing good comes from posting political views on facebook.
She would have been better to have posted on a blog with a thin layer of anonymity.
While I sort of agree with HWG above, I wonder what’s in her contract with KRIV; I hope she can sue the sh!t out of them.
Do not get comfortable in the nesting areas of the enemy.
If you have a public job, keep your opinions quiet while you are taking their money.
Posting political opinion (which is transient) on the internet (which is forever) is not good judgement.
Those who work in traditional media management are not to be trusted.
In the progressive world the “Truth will set you free”….from your livelihood. Lies will you get you promoted.
FOX will take her.
Breitbart or Trump should hire this gem.
Political correctness is anti-free speech. Keep it up liberals. This is why you lost the election.
Nav Dude,
P.C. was invented by
communist.It has no place in the USA.
@HWG Nothing good can come from expressing the truth in this day and age. George Orwell said something like that years ago.
Lazlo… you got that right! We can NEVER expose ourselves to the liberals we work with or are acquainted with. They will destroy you. I’ve seen it happen too many times. VERY sad.
If you can hear this message, you are the resistance.
If the decision makers at FOX had a brain this lady would be Megan’s replacement, tomorrow.
She should be hired into the press office of the new Trump admin.
I’d like to interview her in private for about twenty minutes.
Dateline July 2010. News Anchor Shad Olson of KOTA TV in RC, SD spoke at a T party meeting.
Dateline July, one week later. Shad Olson starts radio talk show after his termination from KOTA TV in RC, SD
The demented illuminati running the media will never quit, nor ever get fired working for the trolls that own the stations. Would be nice to charge them with sedition under Trump’s administration and lose their FCC licenses for spreading sedition and fomenting the attempted overthrow of the duly elected and inaugurated government. Then they could move off-shore and have their broadcasts be targeted for munitions practice by the USAF, USNAVY, and USMC.
A pretty conservative girl like that shouldn’t have to live in a progressive shithole like Houston.
Am I the only one who miss read her last name to read F**k’er? I need to get out more.