Twitter Bans Popular YouTube Entertainer ‘Bunty King’ for Meme Crime – IOTW Report

Twitter Bans Popular YouTube Entertainer ‘Bunty King’ for Meme Crime

DANGEROUS: Twitter’s crackdown on free speech continues as popular YouTuber Annand Virk, better known as Bunty King to his audience, was permanently suspended for posting an innocuous joke about radical feminists.

Meme criminal.

In the wake of British nationalist Tommy Robinson’s ban earlier this week, Bunty King is the latest popular personality on the increasingly-restrictive social media platform to fall foul of Twitter’s strict moderation policies.

On Thursday, Virk tweeted an ASCII (text-based image) meme—a crude depiction of fellow YouTuber June LaPine (shoe0nhead) throwing a radical feminist off a building in an inside joke about how she, among others, were constantly verbally sparring with on Twitter.

Virk tells DANGEROUS that the post was intended to be lighthearted, inspired conversation on the platform, some of whom defended the views of radical feminists sometimes referred to as “TERFs” or “trans-exclusionary radical feminists.”

Several hours later, he received a suspension from Twitter—the second to strike his account since it was temporarily banned last year following mass reports by followers of race-baiter Tariq Nasheed.

Virk provided DANGEROUS with a screenshot of the email he received from Twitter, which states that he was suspended for violating Twitter’s rules against abusive behavior. more here

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