Twitter Bans ‘Russians With Attitude’ Podcast After They Report Mass Surrender of Ukrainian Troops – IOTW Report

Twitter Bans ‘Russians With Attitude’ Podcast After They Report Mass Surrender of Ukrainian Troops

Valiant News: The Russians With Attitude podcast was banned from Twitter last night after the account shared news about an alleged mass surrender of Ukrainian marines in Mariupol.

The RWA podcast, which may be considered controversial due to the Russian nationality of its hosts, gained an intense following in the opening days of the conflict in Ukraine, when they were among the first to cry foul on the Ghost of Kiev, the Snake Island refusal to surrender, and other misinformation promulgated by either the Ukrainian government or individuals in the media.

In a statement posted to their Telegram account, RWA said the ban “was inevitable.” more

7 Comments on Twitter Bans ‘Russians With Attitude’ Podcast After They Report Mass Surrender of Ukrainian Troops

  1. Opinion from CNN this morning:

    “Until Ukraine receives the advanced weaponry it has been asking for, this deliberate destruction of the country — including many of its precious cultural and religious icons — will continue.
    Key will be pivoting a failed Western policy of appeasement to meeting Putin’s aggression with a much more robust military response. That includes giving the Ukrainians the ability to protect their own skies with anti-missile batteries.”

    So Ukraine has no advanced weaponry to defend itself. My between the lines read: the west never had any intention to help Ukraine, and the Ukes are being sacrificed.

    It’s all ugly but possibly a harbiger for us: the powerful don’t care if we die, and in fact want billions of us dead.


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