Twitter Blocks Gun Supporter, But Allows Death Threats Against Her – IOTW Report

Twitter Blocks Gun Supporter, But Allows Death Threats Against Her

NB: Once again, Twitter’s public safety bureau has slipped up in its charade of making the internet safer for free speech. The platform’s recent censorship of gun-rights activist Kaitlin Bennett (while overlooking death threats against her) has revealed its desire to terminate outspoken conservatism where it can.

Kaitlin Bennett, grassroots director of conservative group Liberty Hangout, recent graduate of Kent State University, and outspoken Second Amendment rights activist, made a name for herself on social media by taking a visual pro-gun stance during the liberal brouhaha of March For Our Lives. Weeks ago, Bennett generated buzz for herself and the pro-gun cause by posting a picture of herself in graduation attire while holding an AR-10 rifle.

But it was Bennett’s next move that prompted Twitter to pick a side, something it shouldn’t have done if it wants to promote an environment of free speech.

On Wednesday, Bennett posted a photo of herself on Twitter, facing away from the camera and holding two pistols. The caption stated, “If I had a pistol for every gender there is.” It was a clever and lighthearted jab at both rabid gun prohibitionists and the contentious non-binary community – at least that’s what conservative folks thought. However, the next morning, Kaitlin realized that the social justice arbiters at Twitter found it a bit more serious than that.  more

10 Comments on Twitter Blocks Gun Supporter, But Allows Death Threats Against Her

  1. Eagerly awaiting the left to escalate the cold civil war to hot, I figure that if we’re forced to kill a 100 million or so of them in NA, they’ll simmer down for a couple of decades…

  2. I got put in Twitter jail for 7 days starting last night. I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out why. The discussion was the 2nd amendment. It seems Libtards can get you banned at will. That Kaitlin girl just challenged Hogg Wild to an arm wrestling contest. Lol

  3. It’s because of people like Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and his policies that I will never again go anywhere in this country unarmed.
    Screw state laws.

  4. If every decent, conservative person left Twitter today it would collapse and die. The Libtards would have no one to talk to but each other, and they hate each other too.

  5. Nah, Twitter is a blast. You make some friend and get them to follow you and visa versa, and then pig pile the Libtards. Libtards, as a rule, do not know or understand the Constitution. They think they do. Especially the 2nd amendment. They get really pissed when you point out to them that the 2nd does not give us the right to own guns. What it does do is block the Government from denying us the rights to own guns. Now Ron Perlman doesn’t understand ANYTHING about the Constitution. He’s been calling our form a Government a Democracy all morning. Nobody has corrected him.

  6. Sheep are easily herded.
    If you control the media and the schools, you can control the minds of the masses.
    This is no secret, and becoming more blatant every day. Media moguls don’t even try to hide it any more.


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