Twitter CEO Dorsey: ‘We Can’t Afford to Be Neutral Anymore’ – IOTW Report

Twitter CEO Dorsey: ‘We Can’t Afford to Be Neutral Anymore’

Newsbusters: Twitter has rescinded and apologized for many of its bans and suspensions of conservative users, calling those decisions “mistakes.” But they might not have been mistakes after all.

In an interview with podcaster Sam Harris on February 5, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was grilled about the way “Twitter reliably lands on one side of the political divide.” Harris questioned Dorsey about Twitter’s decision to ban feminist Megan Murphy for tweeting “Men are not women,” while ignoring Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic tweets.

Dorsey responded immediately to Harris’ questions, saying “I don’t believe that we can afford to take a neutral stance anymore. I don’t believe that we should optimize for neutrality.”

When Harris dug in further and asked why Twitter would not just stand by the First Amendment, banning all violent conversation but letting everything else stand, Dorsey tried to dodge the question. He argued that while Twitter’s policies where “the spirit of” the First Amendment.

Harris commented that there was a “pervasive sense that [Twitter’s] response is biased politically.” He also remarked that it was odd that Twitter allowed the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas to have accounts, but banned alt-right figures for life. read more

15 Comments on Twitter CEO Dorsey: ‘We Can’t Afford to Be Neutral Anymore’

  1. ‘We Can’t Afford to Be Neutral Anymore’

    He says as his butt buddies try and disarm us. All conservatives should agree to jump off twitter at some point. Until then i’ll keep sticken it to Libtards to the best of my ability.

    jack should be a stone cold capitalist. That’s how his business plan was formed. I don’t get it.

  2. Gee Dork Boy, not hard at all, never being a Member,,,
    BTW that thing between your legs is called a Penis.
    Any question about it just ask “I am Jazz”,
    Having twitter being a major component in the this delusional mental illness even though you may be too late. SAD!

  3. I think it was Joseph Goebbels who strove for “neutrality.”
    Oh, and that “fair minded” Alfred Rosenberg – he strove for “neutrality,” too.
    Yeah, and Comintern.

    Dude makes me want to puke.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “I don’t get it”

    Because they just can’t help themselves. Navel gazing and moral preening is what they do best.

    I’m sure if you ask all those little nazi’s over at Goggle, the ones that create the algorithms that skew all searches left and intentionally hide right leaning viewpoints, they would give you some horseshit answer that they were championing decency and intolerance, delivered with a puffed out chest symptomatic of all virtue signalers.

    Jack Dorsey has an agenda,he will use his platform to further that agenda. And if the share price has to suffer in the process, he can live with that.

  5. As mentioned by others its’s time to migrate off Twitter to another platform. I’d suggest GAB. Instagram is owned by Google or Facebook and I wouldn’t trust them to tell the truth to St Peter at the Gates. GAB doesn’t seem to be owned by any of the majors. Their problem is a lack of critical mass which could be solved by a campaign on Twitter where conservatives commit to moving over on a specified day and commit to staying for three months. If Jack loses 25 or 30% in two or three days it could cripple his revenue plan. Advertisers (or to be more precise the firms that pay Twitter for targeted ad space which they sell to companies) would then likely start hedging their bets by moving some purchases to GAB.


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